[glue-wg] Status of GLUE 2.0 Specification as regards going public comment

Sergio Andreozzi sergio.andreozzi at cnaf.infn.it
Mon May 19 16:36:29 CDT 2008

Dear all,

this is to inform all of you that we are still in the process of 
digesting all the feedback that we received about the GLUE 2.0 Spec, WG 
last call.

We are creating a document containing all the feedback and how each 
individual point was considered as regards the public comment version of 
the spec.

At the moment, we processed 50% of the feedback and we expect to 
finalize it and send the document to the area directors by tomorrow COB, 
20 May.

Cheers, Sergio

Sergio Andreozzi
INFN-CNAF,                    Tel: +39 051 609 2860
Viale Berti Pichat, 6/2       Fax: +39 051 609 2746
40126 Bologna (Italy)         Web: http://www.cnaf.infn.it/~andreozzi

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