[glue-wg] GlueChunkKey

Paul Millar paul.millar at desy.de
Wed Jan 30 11:42:02 CST 2008

Hi Stephen,

Maybe it's me, but I found all web pages describing the extensible queries to 
be pretty poor, and the RFC didn't help much.  I've been intending to 
investigate these further; the wiki page and your email presented an 
excellent opportunity and I think I now understand them.

Comments interleaved.  Apologies if this is all obvious to others; it wasn't 
obvious to me earlier today.

On Tuesday 29 January 2008 20:24:04 Burke, S (Stephen) wrote:
> Hi all,
> On this page:
> http://glueschema.forge.cnaf.infn.it/SpecV13/LDAP
> there is a comment that GlueChunkKey is obsolete because you can now
> query directly on the DN.

I believe this is half-true.

Extensible queries allows "downward queries": one can discover attributes for 
objects where what you know is higher up in the hierarchy.

For example, given a specific GlueSEUniqueID (e.g., ccsrm.in2p3.fr) one can 
query all available protocols that this SE supports with the following single 

ldapsearch -LLL -h lcg-bdii.cern.ch -p 2170 -x -b 
o=grid '(&(GlueSEUniqueID:dn:=ccsrm.in2p3.fr)
(objectClass=GlueSEAccessProtocol))' GlueSEAccessProtocolType 

Of course, one can also do this without extensible queries if you happen to 
know the parent DN:

ldapsearch -LLL -h lcg-bdii.cern.ch -p 2170 -x -b 
GlueSEUniqueID=ccsrm.in2p3.fr,Mds-Vo-name=IN2P3-CC,Mds-Vo-name=local,o=grid '(objectClass=GlueSEAccessProtocol)' 
GlueSEAccessProtocolType GlueSEAccessProtocolVersion

The queries are not identical, but "all things being equal" (if the GLUE/LDAP 
hierarchy is observed and the GlueSEUniqueID is unique), then the results are 
the same; I guess the first query is "better" (doesn't need the site's DN), 
but both should work.

Extensible queries (if I understood correctly) are of no help in navigating 
upward.  For example: what are the GlueSEUniqueIDs for SEs that support a 
specific protocol?

To achieve this query, we can either do this using GLUE- or LDAP- concepts: if 
we don't get it from the ChunkKey, we must get it by (effectively) parsing 
the DN into its constituent RDNs and building the parent object from those 
RDNs.  For a simple fixed-distance ancestor relationship, a simple cut 
(e.g. "cut -d, -f2-") should do.

> However, I don't think that's the whole story, 
> because it may also be useful to *print* the chunkkey value so you can
> extract the corresponding ID. That would be much harder to get from the
> DN,

True(-ish), ldapsearch certainly doesn't make this easy.  From trawling 
various mailing lists, the shortest "fix": for the line-splitting problem is:
 	perl -p00e 's/\r?\n //g'

> For example, consider this: 
> for i in `ldapsearch -x -h lcg-bdii.cern.ch -p 2170 -b o=grid
> glueSEAccessProtocolType=gsidcap | grep GlueChunkKey: | cut -d= -f2 `;
> do ldapsearch -x -h lcg-bdii.cern.ch -p 2170 -b o=grid glueseuniqueid=$i
> glueforeignkey; done | grep GlueSiteUniqueID | cut -d= -f2
> That chops the SEUniqueID out of the ChunkKey in the access protocol
> object from the first query, and feeds it into another query to get the
> site ID. It may not be totally elegant but it works! If you removed the
> chunkkey it would be much harder to do something like that on the
> command line.

OK, so this query navigates upward: what are the GlueSiteUniqueIDs for sites 
that have an SE that supports the gsidcap protocol?

Below, I've copied an equivalent bash 1-liner that uses DN parsing to 
navigation up the tree (effectively doing "../.." in XPath terms).  It should 
be possible to do the equivalent to "ancestor::GlueSite[1]" (i.e., navigate 
up until you find a GlueSite) by explicitly matching the attribute part of 
the GridSite RDN.

for site_dn in $(ldapsearch -LLL -h lcg-bdii.cern.ch -p 2170 -x -b o=grid 
glueSEAccessProtocolType=gsidcap |

			perl -p00e 's/\r?\n //g' |

			sed -ne 's/^dn: [^,]*,[^,]*,\(.*\)/\1/p' |

			sort -u); do

	ldapsearch -LLL -h lcg-bdii.cern.ch -p 2170 -x -b 
$site_dn '(objectClass=GlueSite)' GlueSiteUniqueID |

	perl -p00e 's/\r?\n //g' |

	sed -ne 's/^GlueSiteUniqueID: \(.*\)/\1/p';

The example is about the same size, but I've separated the line as much as 
possible for clarity.  It might be possible to merge the perl line-wrap hack 
into the sed, so losing the perl dependency, but my sed is a little too rusty 
for that.

> While it's true that the information does exist in the DN 
> I think I would rather keep the ChunkKey concept anyway.

I'm not sure if parsing the DN to extract parent DN entries is a robust way of 
navigating, but I think it basically works [*].



[*] - It doesn't work for a few sites that are published right now; but the 
first few I investigated all had broken information, like not publishing any 
GlueSite class object, or publishing objects that have no parent (!!), etc.

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