[glue-wg] GlueChunkKey

Burke, S (Stephen) S.Burke at rl.ac.uk
Tue Jan 29 13:24:04 CST 2008

Hi all,

On this page:


there is a comment that GlueChunkKey is obsolete because you can now
query directly on the DN. However, I don't think that's the whole story,
because it may also be useful to *print* the chunkkey value so you can
extract the corresponding ID. That would be much harder to get from the
DN, especially because it often gets split over multiple lines if you
use ldapsearch. For example, consider this:

for i in `ldapsearch -x -h lcg-bdii.cern.ch -p 2170 -b o=grid
glueSEAccessProtocolType=gsidcap | grep GlueChunkKey: | cut -d= -f2 `;
do ldapsearch -x -h lcg-bdii.cern.ch -p 2170 -b o=grid glueseuniqueid=$i
glueforeignkey; done | grep GlueSiteUniqueID | cut -d= -f2

That chops the SEUniqueID out of the ChunkKey in the access protocol
object from the first query, and feeds it into another query to get the
site ID. It may not be totally elegant but it works! If you removed the
chunkkey it would be much harder to do something like that on the
command line. While it's true that the information does exist in the DN
I think I would rather keep the ChunkKey concept anyway.


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