[glue-wg] LDAP hierarchy

Burke, S (Stephen) S.Burke at rl.ac.uk
Mon Feb 25 08:34:51 CST 2008

Hi all,

A comment on the LDAP mapping prompted by trying to find things in the
current info system using an LDAP browser ... basically it's a real
nightmare at the moment because the hierarchy is so flat. Firstly we
have all 250+ sites in one long list below the top level, and then
within a site there is in many cases an equally huge list of CEs,
Clusters, Services, SEs and CESEBinds. At a quick count
mds-vo-name=CERN_PROD seems to have 826 objects directly under it! When
we do the LDAP mapping for Glue 2 can we try to get a deeper hierarchy
with more grouping to make it easier to find things?


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