[glue-wg] Minutes of today telecons + reminder tomorrow telecon 3 PM GMT

Gerson Galang gerson.sapac at gmail.com
Mon Feb 4 18:18:48 CST 2008

Hi Sergio,

Here are the use cases you asked me to send the list. Let me know if you
require us to have a telecon to talk about the use cases.

A follow up on story 5:
We really think adding of software executable under the software package is
needed. Here's our use case..
Recent development of Grisu (
http://www.grid.apac.edu.au/repository/trac/grisu/) has shown that a
*Generic Submission Tool* is possible and would be very useful. A software
developer at a site could publish information for a new application that
would then be instantly available for use.

No generic tool can work without being able to query for the executable to

Use case (for GLUE1.3 comment/issue #1):

A user needs to know how many CPUs he can use for his MPI job.
- FreeJobSlots which is the number of single processor jobs I can submit to
a queue doesn't really answer this requirement. A queuing system reporting
32 free job slots wouldn't necessarily mean that the user can run a 32 CPU
mpi job on that system.

I've noticed the addition of the MaxSlotsPerJob attribute in the
ComputingSharePolicy which you probably were thinking of using to address
this use case. The use of this MaxSlotsPerJob term makes FreeJobSlots more
confusing. If FreeJobSlots equates to the number of sequential jobs I can
run on the system, I can't see any reason why a sequential job will have a
limit to the number of processors it can use.

As what we've talked about before in the telecon on 22 January, we need to
have a new term to describe the free CPUs for the MPI job, FreeParallelCPUs
perhaps?. And the term MaxSlotsPerJob can probably be renamed to

A comment on Stephen Burke's comment about GLUE 1.3 Issues/Comments #3:
We don't think there's a way to calculate WorstResponseTime on a preemptive
system. A worst response time for a job that user A submits now might not be
valid anymore 5 minutes later because user B who has a higher priority
submits a job and preempts the job submitted by user A.

Use cases (for GLUE1.3 comment/issue #5 and #6):
none - They were just comments and we don't really have use cases for them.


On Jan 23, 2008 3:50 AM, Sergio Andreozzi <sergio.andreozzi at cnaf.infn.it>

> Dear all,
> in the following page you can find links to the minutes of the two today
> telecons:
> http://forge.ogf.org/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.glue-wg/wiki/PhoneMeeting20080122
> the discussion on Storage entities will be continued Fri 25th 3 PM GMT.
> The next telecon is for tomorrow and we'll resume discussion on policy
> and values when unknown.
> http://forge.ogf.org/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.glue-wg/wiki/PhoneMeeting20080123
> Cheers, Sergio
> --
> Sergio Andreozzi
> INFN-CNAF,                    Tel: +39 051 609 2860
> Viale Berti Pichat, 6/2       Fax: +39 051 609 2746
> 40126 Bologna (Italy)         Web: http://www.cnaf.infn.it/~andreozzi<http://www.cnaf.infn.it/%7Eandreozzi>
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