[glue-wg] Suggestion for splitting the StorageShare.

Burke, S (Stephen) S.Burke at rl.ac.uk
Mon Apr 28 11:27:31 CDT 2008

Laurence Field [mailto:Laurence.Field at cern.ch] said:
> This is what I was trying to express the other day when I 
> said that we need something like the LFC. Where as the LFC maps to
> names to SURLs, is this notmapping namespaces (directories) to
physical spaces 
> (or is it logical space?).

To some extent that's right - in fact the LFC is to some approximation a
DPM without any storage, just a namespace mapping. However, things are
getting more complicated since it seems that we're introducing a new
concept of authorisation on spaces themselves which is orthogonal to the
namespace. In the unix filesystem world I think this would be like
having a permission to write to a mounted partition which was
independent of the permissions on the files and directories inside it.
That isn't really analogous to the LFC or any other catalogue - in a
sense it's much simpler because the namespace for spaces (sic) is flat,
each space has a name (space token) but there is no structure. (Well,
until we get hierarchical spaces!) 

> I agree that this might not belong in the 
> information system on the other hand this doesn't necessarily mean
> it should not be in the information model

Maybe, but I think we need to be clear about what we're representing. To
me the Path in the SA/Share is a prefix for use when writing a file,
i.e. when you write a file you are supposed to construct a SURL by
appending your choice of file path/name to the published Path. In the
general case the Path would be absent/NULL or equal to / which would
mean you can use any SURL you like. That concept seems to me to be very
different to publishing general properties of a filesystem/namespace,
which could e.g. extend to publishing every directory with its
permissions - I think that is not something which is likely to be useful
in GLUE. (Remember that the old GLUE does have FileSystem and File
objects but we have never used them.)


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