[gin] WG: [Pgi-wg] PGI Security TelCon on Friday 3:00 p.m. (CET)

Steven Newhouse Steven.Newhouse at cern.ch
Thu Jan 29 06:11:20 CST 2009

Hi Dave

> >EGEE is involved in many different standards security activities;
> >middleware, operations, policy, IGTF authN and authZ, etc. What will
> the agenda and discussions cover.

The use case currently is primarily around job submission and any associated data movement. How can that authentication token be presented in an interoperable manner. The experiences (& policies) from EGEE over the years are both driving and constraining this work. Expect evolutionary changes (if any) rather than revolutionary changes.

Currently the WG is understanding how the other the middleware works in this area and their operational constraints.



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