[gin-ops] [gin-auth] Debugging Globus SSL (Was: Re: start Savannah run)

JP Navarro navarro at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Feb 5 21:42:16 CST 2007

On Feb 5, 2007, at 5:00 AM, Mike 'Mike' Jones wrote:
> By the way, mapping all users to one account is a serious security  
> flaw.


You are very correct.  My understanding is that mapping all GIN users to
a single account was a temporary approach to get GIN off the ground. It
certainly wasn't intended to be a long-term solution, or to be used for
more than proof-of-interoperability demos.

Perhaps it is now time to come up with a more secure long term solution
for GIN participants.  Since there are only a few GIN users today,  
we create individual accounts for all GIN users on all GIN participating
grids?  Or is there a better option that will scale better? Any  
on what that next, more secure, approach should be?


John-Paul Navarro                                               (630)  
navarro at mcs.anl.gov                            http://www.mcs.anl.gov/ 
TeraGrid Software Integration                Univ of Chicago/Argonne  
Nat. Lab.
GPG: 4EA9 C86B C0F0 113D 6306  98B7 3649 D6CB EFA8 4133

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