[gin-ops] Re: gin ops work

Somsak Sriprayoonsakul somsak_sr at thaigrid.or.th
Tue Aug 15 09:19:31 CDT 2006

Dear Aleksandr,
    You can get an account from Cindy herself directly. Please refer to 
http://www.ggf.org/mail_archive/gin-ops/2006/05/msg00005.html and all 
messages in thread for more information.

PS: Sorry, the cc list is too long that I miss some address :-). I now 
cc this to to gin-ops and gin-info.

Aleksandr Konstantinov wrote:
> Hello Somsak,
> How does one get account on that wiki to edit page You mentioned?
> PS  It is nice be among all those people in CC. But I have a question. 
> Why are such mails not on proper mailing lists, like gin-ops ?!
> If we are concerned about interoperability we probably should start
> from interoperable communication.
> On Tue, 15 Aug 2006 18:09:37 +0700
> Somsak Sriprayoonsakul <somsak_sr at thaigrid.or.th> wrote:
>> Cindy Zheng wrote:
>>> Terrence, this looks really good!
>>> Somsak has started an effort to get together with
>>> different grid monitor developers to come up with 
>>> a common schema, so their software can share info/data. 
>>> Everyone then can choose whatever monitor they like.
>>> I'm pasting Somsak's list to gin-ops list on this, FYI.
>>> Thanks for sharing!
>>> Cindy
>> I would like to confess that I have made no progress, regarding the 
>> monitoring inter-op, during this few months due to my current workload. 
>> We're founding Thai National Grid Center and there are a whole lot of 
>> things to do. Very sorry about that.
>> The aim of monitoring-inter-op is to make an inter-operable platform for 
>> all monitoring softwares. This can be either on data-format level, API 
>> level, or anything. We're still the early stage, collecting the 
>> information about data format and API of each monitoring softwares.
>> I would like to encourage everyone to share your knowledge at 
>> "http://wiki.pragma-grid.net/index.php?title=GIN_%28Grid_Inter-operation_Now%29_Monitoring". 
>> I already listed some softwares, but it definitely not complete and 
>> would require more helping hands. You can request new user log-in from 
>> Cindy herself.
>> Thank you very much
>> Best Regards,
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: owner-gin-ops at ggf.org [mailto:owner-gin-ops at ggf.org] On Behalf Of
>>> Somsak Sriprayoonsakul
>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 6:40 AM
>>> To: gin-ops at ggf.org
>>> Cc: putchong_ut at thaigrid.or.th; sugree_ph at thaigrid.or.th
>>> Subject: Re: FW: [gin-ops] Cross-grid monitoring issues summary
>>> Dear All people involved with gin-monitoring activities,
>>>     As stated below. I promised to create a Wiki page describe our 
>>> effort to create a neutral data format for Grid monitoring softwares. I 
>>> tried to create the page and found that we still know so little about 
>>> each other effort in this topic. So I want to start with a page describe
>>> what we already did, and what we planned in the near future, regardless 
>>> of GIN project.
>>>     However, I'm not capable to do this alone. I would like to ask for 
>>> help from all people involving this activity. Please help me contribute 
>>> a brief of your work in the Wiki pages. I separated the activity in 
>>> per-Grid project basis and listed every projects that my little 
>>> knowledge may have, and belief that this'll not be all. Please fell free
>>> to add/remove/adjust the listing as you wish, just let us know if you 
>>> want to remove some project :-) . For the time being, I'll try adding as
>>> many content as I can.
>>>     The Wiki page URL is 
>>> http://wiki.pragma-grid.net/index.php?title=GIN_%28Grid_Inter-operation_
>>> Now%29_Monitoring.
>>>     This page will focus on the inter-operable data format between 
>>> middleware & monitoring software. The summary of all activity regarding 
>>> GIN-monitor is still at http://goc.pragma-grid.net/gin/gin-monitor.htm.
>>>    A new Wiki server at GGF will be set-up in the near future (see 
>>> below). I'll inform you all again if we change the URL. For now, please 
>>> follow normal procedure to register with PRAGMA Wiki (Sorry Cindy, more 
>>> works on you again :-) . I'll try to keep the number of pages as small 
>>> as possible so we won't have to migrate so many pages at that time ).
>>>     Thank you very much everyone. I do hope this will greatly benefit 
>>> all of us.
>>> Best Regards,
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Terrence Martin [mailto:tmartin at physics.ucsd.edu] 
>>>> Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 9:57 AM
>>>> To: somsak_sr at thaigrid.or.th
>>>> Cc: Cindy Zheng; 'Sugree Phatanapherom'; parzberg at sdsc.edu; 
>>>> phil at sdsc.edu; somsak_sr at thaigrid.net; 'Putchong Uthayopas'; 
>>>> 'Ruth Pordes'; 'Frank Wuerthwein'; 'Abhishek Singh Rana'; 
>>>> 'Yoshio Tanaka'; yusuke.tanimura at aist.go.jp; 'Oxana 
>>>> Smirnova'; 'Balazs Konya'; 'Aleksandr Konstantinov'; 'Colin Enticott'
>>>> Subject: Re: gin ops work
>>>> I wanted just to mention if you have had a chance to see 
>>>> MonALisa? It is 
>>>> one of the monitoring tools used but the OSG. It is developed out of 
>>>> Caltech. It monitors amoung other things band width, CPU 
>>>> utlization etc 
>>>> at a grid level. It has both a 2D web and a 3D Java client.
>>>> Here is the MonALisa installation for the DISUN project which is the 
>>>> collaboration of CMS T2 sites of which UCSD is one. We host 
>>>> the central 
>>>> installation and every site manages their own install (comes with the 
>>>> OSG VDT).
>>>> http://www.disun.org:8888/show?page=index.html
>>>> Here is the overall OSG MonALisa monitoring.
>>>> http://grid02.uits.indiana.edu:8080/show?page=index.html
>>>> I am not trying to advocate for MonaLisa I just thought in 
>>>> case you have 
>>>> not had a chance to see it. It does not do everything I would 
>>>> like, but 
>>>> it is pretty good for display grid statistics with a 
>>>> geographical context.
>>>> Terrence
>>>> Somsak Sriprayoonsakul wrote:
>>>>> Cindy Zheng wrote:
>>>>>> Thank you, Sugree! It looks great!
>>>>> Thank you very much :).
>>>>>> I like the bandwidth matrix! Would really like to know what
>>>>>> looks like in our PRAGMA testbed and GIN testbed.
>>>>>> Does the bandwidth matrix require SCMSWeb installation on
>>>>>> target cluster?
>>>>> Yes. The result of bandwidth testing will be delegated to top-level 
>>>>> SCMSWeb along with other data. We're trying to figure out how to 
>>>>> separate bandwidth, probe, and other unrelated to system monitoring 
>>>>> from SCMSWeb itself. But right now it would still need SCMSWeb.
>>>>>> Is this version stable?
>>>>>>   Is it easy to upgrade from GOC's version to this?
>>>>> I think it's stable enough for testing. There're few things 
>>>> need to be 
>>>>> fixed though
>>>>> 1. Don't sure whether the installation work smoothly on the 
>>>> host other 
>>>>> than observer.thaigrid.or.th :). But so far it works fine 
>>>> on RH9, FC2, 
>>>>> ROCKS3.1-ROCKS 4.1.
>>>>> 2. The GUI is still not very pretty. Very hard to view 
>>>> because so many 
>>>>> number in the table.
>>>>> 3. The historical data is not being linked to the site name 
>>>> yet. But 
>>>>> you can view it on "Probe" page (the bandwidth matrix is actually 
>>>>> another probe with bandwidth as its output instead of 
>>>>> success/timeout/fail).
>>>>> 4. We plan to include the organization name in the table so 
>>>> it easier 
>>>>> to read
>>>>> 5. We want to include lat-long and country in to configuration.
>>>>> I think we'll solve issue 1-4 first, then have it install 
>>>> GOC later on.
>>>>> If the monitored site do not care much about the GUI, they can try 
>>>>> upgrade their system now. Sugree already build many RPMs for those 
>>>>> platform. The underlying data for presentation layer will 
>>>> remain the 
>>>>> same.
>>>>>> Does this support services running on different ip#s yet?
>>>>> Do you mean the similar configuration as TeraGrid? I think 
>>>> the answer 
>>>>> is yes but never try it yet. The target configuration can be any 
>>>>> machine with iperf server.
>>>>>> Sorry for so many questions :-)
>>>>> No problem :).
>>>>>> Cindy
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Sugree Phatanapherom 
>>>> [mailto:sugree_ph at thaigrid.or.th] Sent: 
>>>>>>> Friday, August 11, 2006 6:25 PM
>>>>>>> To: zhengc at sdsc.edu
>>>>>>> Cc: parzberg at sdsc.edu; phil at sdsc.edu; somsak_sr at thaigrid.net; 
>>>>>>> 'Putchong Uthayopas'; 'Ruth Pordes'; 'Frank Wuerthwein'; 
>>>> 'Abhishek 
>>>>>>> Singh Rana'; 'Terrence Martin'; 'Yoshio Tanaka'; 
>>>>>>> yusuke.tanimura at aist.go.jp; 'Oxana Smirnova'; 'Balazs Konya'; 
>>>>>>> 'Aleksandr Konstantinov'; 'Colin Enticott'
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: gin ops work
>>>>>>> Dear Cindy,
>>>>>>> I have modified SCMSWeb to partially support your 
>>>> suggestion. Please 
>>>>>>> take a look at latest version at 
>>>>>>> http://observer.thaigrid.or.th/cgi-bin/scmsweb/probe.cgi?sourc
>>>>>>> e=GCC&grid=ThaiGrid.
>>>>>>> In addition, this version also offers end-to-end bandwidth matrix 
>>>>>>> automatically using Iperf.
>>>>>>> http://observer.thaigrid.or.th/cgi-bin/scmsweb/bandwidth.cgi?g
>>>>>>> rid=ThaiGrid
>>>>>>> Comments are welcome.
>>>>>>> Sugree
>>>>>>> Cindy Zheng wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi, Peter and Phil,
>>>>>>>> Here are the major things done since GGF17:
>>>>>>>> (I'm including all the people who contributed to these
>>>>>>>> work, so they can add/correct)
>>>>>>>> 1. Hello world - GIN testbed infrastructure testing matrix was 
>>>>>>>> assigned to me in GGF17. This has completed on July 11 and 
>>>>>>>> announced to gin-ops mailing list. We currently have
>>>>>>>> 7 clusters from 5 grids being monitored in our GIN testbed.
>>>>>>>> In addition to job submission testing, we also testing and
>>>>>>>> showing the realtime status for globus authentication, DNS 
>>>>>>>> resolution (since globus is very sensive to DNS problems)
>>>>>>>> and gridftp (both directions). Right now, the testings are
>>>>>>>> set to hourly. The status is publically available. You can view 
>>>>>>>> them by clicking the link "GIN Testbed Status" at 
>>>>>>>> http://goc.pragma-grid.net/gin/default.html.
>>>>>>>> There is a issue with testing and showing the status 
>>>> when a grid is 
>>>>>>>> running the tested services on more than one host/IP#. I have 
>>>>>>>> discussed this with Somsak. ThaiGrid SCMSWeb team has modified 
>>>>>>>> their software to handle this in the next release and is 
>>>> currently 
>>>>>>>> testing the
>>>>>>>> new version.
>>>>>>>> 2. Open Science Grid has joined GIN testbed on June 26. We have 
>>>>>>>> completed and verified basic setup on July 11.
>>>>>>>> The OSG technical support team and AIST application team
>>>>>>>> have been discussing via email and a chance of face to 
>>>> face meeting 
>>>>>>>> on how to interoperate with OSG. Now, we
>>>>>>>> all have achieved better understanding of how OSG works and how 
>>>>>>>> Ninf-G and TDDFT work. The decision is to package
>>>>>>>> all the executables and libraries TDDFT needs and deploy 
>>>> and run on 
>>>>>>>> OSG cluster. Now AIST application team is
>>>>>>>> working on this and should be able to get the run started
>>>>>>>> before GGF18.
>>>>>>>> This is result of many people's efforts:
>>>>>>>> Phil Papadoupoulos, Ruth Pordes, Frank Wuerthwein,
>>>>>>>> Abhishek Singh Rana, Terrence Martin, Yoshio Tanaka,
>>>>>>>> Yusuke Tanimura.
>>>>>>>> 3. NorduGrid has volunteered to join GIN testbed on July 11.
>>>>>>>> We have completed and verified the basic setup the same day.
>>>>>>>> But, we found that NorduGrid job submission method is very 
>>>>>>>> different from all the grids in GIN testbed so far - it uses 
>>>>>>>> gridftp. AIST and MU application teams, NorduGrid team 
>>>> and ThaiGrid 
>>>>>>>> SCMSWeb development team had a lot of discussions. We 
>>>> have achieved 
>>>>>>>> better understanding on how each side work and tried to 
>>>> find a way 
>>>>>>>> to all interoperate.
>>>>>>>> The decisions were for NorduGrid to investigate a way to
>>>>>>>> allow job submission via GRAM, ThaiGrid SCMSWeb developer
>>>>>>>> has promised to implement multi-services testing for a 
>>>> grid in the 
>>>>>>>> coming release.
>>>>>>>> Many people have involved in this:
>>>>>>>> Oxana Smirnova, Balazs Konya, Aleksandr Konstantinov,
>>>>>>>> Yoshio Tanaka, Yusuke Tanimura, Colin Enticott, ThaiGrid
>>>>>>>> SCMSWeb development team.
>>>>>>>> All the new grids contacts and resources info are documented
>>>>>>>> http://goc.pragma-grid.net/gin/gin-people.html
>>>>>>>> http://goc.pragma-grid.net/gin/gin-resources.html
>>>>>>>> Cindy
>> -- 
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Somsak Sriprayoonsakul
>> Thai National Grid Center
>> Software Industry Promotion Agency
>> Ministry of ICT, Thailand
>> somsak_sr at thaigrid.or.th
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Somsak Sriprayoonsakul

Thai National Grid Center
Software Industry Promotion Agency
Ministry of ICT, Thailand
somsak_sr at thaigrid.or.th

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