[gin-ops] Cross-grid monitoring issues summary

Cindy Zheng zhengc at sdsc.edu
Sun Apr 30 03:19:54 CDT 2006

Dear all,

Another key issue we had started to discuss
and working on since the begining of our GIN 
experiment is cross-grid monitoring. 
Basically, we realized that we need to get 
various grid monitoring software work with 
each other.
To continue and to get more people involved in
this discussion and work, Somsak has summarized
our discussions and work-in-progress so far at

The initial discussion started between PRAGMA
Grid and TeraGrid. Now, we hope to learn what
EGEE has been doing for grid monitoring, hope
to learn from and join force with more grid
monitoring software developers in this effort.

Everyone is welcome to join the discussion and
contribute ideas and work, especially grid 
monitoring software developers.

Since EGEE people and Somsak have not been 
introduced, here is a brief intro of Somsak:
Somsak is a lead developer of SCMSWeb(a grid
monitoring tool used in PRAGMA testbed). He's
been involved in the cross-grid monitoring 
discussion from the start and is taking the 
initiative to work with other grid monitoring 
software developers to come up with and to
implement solutions. Please feel free to contact 
and work with Somsak on this.

Thank you,


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