[gin-info] Possible list of subset data for info interop

Jennifer M. Schopf jms at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Mar 2 08:18:40 CST 2006


    this group is NOT defining a schema.  This group is deciding on a 
minimal set of attributes for everyone to advertise in their native schemas.

We will not have an NxN mapping - we will have a mapping of N schemas into 
one list of attributes. This space is also small - I believe we have only 3 
schemas for folks involved now, the GLUE schema, CIM, and what the 
nordu-grid guys have used, which should be close to the GLUE schema since 
it grew out of MDS2 originally.


At 05:39 02/03/2006, Thomas Soddemann wrote:
>Hi Erwin,
>are you aware that you are proposing to use a n^2 solution and diregarding 
>a linear scaling one with n being the number of schemas used?
>If we just try find that list of attributes and map all schema 
>representation onto each other we have a n^2 problem. Here every pair of 
>Grid projects will have to map their schemas on top of each other. -> n(n-1)
>If we use a minimum schema (whatever that will be) as the interface schema 
>representation for exchanging information we only deal with a linear 
>scaling problem, since each Grid project will have to map its own schema 
>to the interface one. -> n
>If we only had two schemas, e.g. Glue and CIM, the task was trivial, but 
>if I remember right, we have more than two.
>Erwin Laure wrote:
>>Absolutely! It is always tempting in these efforts to start defining new 
>>things because obviously existing solutions have their deficiencies. But 
>>that's not the point for GIN. As Jen said, we should try to come up with 
>>a minimal set and try to build translators between different 
>>representations (Glue/CIM more specifically). That's all GIN should be doing.
>>Hopefully, this work will lead to some insights that we can feed into 
>>standardization processes, or specifically for the information system, 
>>into glue2, but we are not defining it.
>>-- Erwin

Dr. Jennifer M. Schopf
Scientist                              eInfrastructure Policy Advisor
Distributed Systems Lab       National eScience Centre and JISC
Argonne National Laboratory  The University of Edinburgh
jms at mcs.anl.gov                 jms at nesc.ac.uk
http://www.mcs.anl.gov/~jms http://homepages.nesc.ac.uk/~jms

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