Zervas, Georgios gzerva at essex.ac.uk
Mon Jun 9 17:05:45 CDT 2008

Dear GHPNers, all

A new mailing list was created to reflect and continue the work on the
GNI BOF that has been initiated in GHPN (one and a half years ago)
together with the DMNR BOF. 

This new list will be used to open the discussions on creating a joint
working group named Network Service Interface - working group. 

This will include discussions on the Charter, as well as co-chairs and
editors required to form it.

Since I found out about the list just now, I would like to ask any other
people that have already been subscribed to inform all of us for any
previous discussions.

Please forward this email to any person that is interested in
participating on the discussion and in turn the NSI-BOF and proposed WG.

To self-subscribe to the nsi-bof mailing list, visit:


You get back to your email a request for confirmation and when you reply

you immediately get back a welcome to the list.

I am looking forward to having a very collaborative, interesting and
fruitful discussion.

Best Regards,
George Zervas

More information about the ghpn-wg mailing list