[et-cg] Draft Recommendation

Donal K. Fellows donal.k.fellows at manchester.ac.uk
Thu Apr 26 10:31:19 CDT 2007

Ruediger Berlich wrote:
> please find attached a first draft recommendation for the professional Grid 
> certification. We can discuss this tomorrow during the phone conference. As 
> this is a very early version, please do not disseminate it further beyond 
> this list.

As I don't know if I'll be able to make it to the call tomorrow, I'll
raise my point now. The point is that I'd like some kind of
clarification of how such a proposed professional qualification would
related to any taught academic courses in the area. The tricky bit is
that the focus of academic courses are likely to be substantially
different to the focus of professional training; off the top of my head,
perhaps the right way to go is to work to align courses so that
graduates of a certified course on the academic track can advance
directly to CGE with a single (practical) module focussed on
installation/administration? (I say this because I suspect that those
are the aspects that academic courses are likely to be weakest on.)

OK, I admit that I've not thought about this very deeply; it's just my
first impressions. Well, other than "very good". :-)


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