[dvdvol] Re: DVD Volunteers, where is everyone?

Johnnie CD johnniecd at gmail.com
Sat Feb 13 12:23:39 PST 2010


Most of it is on the website page:

Visit the request tracking database:


Checkout a list of addresses from the system.
Label the envelope (the system will export if you do not wish to write the
fill it with 2 DVDs or CDs depending on the request (mostly DVD)
insert a copy of the about us letter
attach a customs form it it is international (I print these as my
handwriting is horrid),
and take the batch off to the post office.

Easy as pie it just takes time to duplicate the DVDs and stop by the post

The DVDs are usually duplicating while I have to sit at my desk anyway and
they get stuffed and when I don't really feel like doing anything but
wasting time in front of the TV. It gives me an excuse to waste time and
feel like I am still accomplishing something productive that does not
require concentration.

I can forward the letters and stuff if you like you just have to find your
old userid to gain access to the database.

Let me know if you are willing to help us out and you need the letters or
something. Of course you can also ask the folks that read the project  email
at cd2010 at pglaf.org <cd2010_AT_pglaf.org>


johnniecd at gmail.com

On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 11:21 AM, Mark Shellenberger <
mshellenberger at gmail.com> wrote:

>  I’ve forgotten how to do any of the distribution.  Could you provide a
> primer or a link to a primer so I can get back up to speed?
> Thanks,
> Mark
> ...
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