[dvdvol] Fwd: 4.2GB or 2,36GB or even 2.25GB - what's tighter=)

Aaron Cannon cannona at fireantproductions.com
Wed Mar 23 07:28:09 PST 2005

Thought that this could potentially prove useful to someone 
someday.  Person obviously seems to have done a lot of work.

>Delivered-To: cd at pglaf.org
>X-Originating-IP: []
>X-Originating-Email: [maxbrain at hotmail.com]
>X-Sender: maxbrain at hotmail.com
>From: "Anthony Snatcher" <maxbrain at hotmail.com>
>To: cd at pglaf.org, webmaster at gutenberg.org
>Subject: 4.2GB or 2,36GB or even 2.25GB - what's tighter=)
>Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 09:10:06 +0000
>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 23 Mar 2005 09:10:06.0416 (UTC) 
>Hi Project Gutenberg Activist,
>I am a student in www.townshend.cz and downloaded your 10K 
>(http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/1/0/8/0/10802/10802-rar/) and wanted to
>thank you very much for this wonderful organized job!
>All the old books that might have been lost are digitized and free for 
>everyone! (I am still waiting for Aldous Huxley's - "brave new world" 
>though ;-))
>Currently I try to make my own ebook-library.
>got 2 DVDs full of ebooks!!!! WAHOOO! ;-)
>I hand them around as much as I can to distribute the wealth of knowledge.
>The Human Genome Project was included in the .iso although the homepage 
>said it was not. (it's an extry 400MB of text not really interesting TCGAAGTCA-
>Anyways... managed to re-pack the textfiles (without HGP) from 7.28GB to 
>2,36 GB (32%). (with 1% CRC) (Still 4CDs! ;-()
>Packed every folder in one .rar (so you have ETEXT00.rar ETEXT01.rar...)
>Even thighter was packing the whole thing into 4x 700MB.rar and 1x200MB 
>file 2.25GB (30%). (without CRC but including human genome project!)
>Thought that is interesting for you. (webspace, download-traffic and all)
>Know why? Packing a iso does not compress well, nor does packing .zip 
>files with .rar.
>What I did is the following:
>(complains 2 maxbrain at hotmail.com)
>this is ibiblio 10KDVD without HumanGenomeProject
>i tried many different packers, rar did best so I packed everything with 
>WinRar 3.41
>Downloaded 4.2GB ziped & rared -> unpacked 7,28 GB (7.824.153.728 Bytes) 
>-> 2.25GB rared (highest)
>10KDVD without HumanGenomeProject
>7,28 GB (7.823.773.824 Bytes)   100%
>2,36 GB (2.534.577.635 Bytes)   32%
>(including +1% (74MB) File Recovery (CRC))
>211 MB (221.449.361 Bytes)        100%
>UHAC 41,9 MB    (43.970.903 Bytes) 21%
>RAR  41,9 MB    (43.970.975 Bytes) 21%
>ganze 72Bytes unterschied! WAHOO! Winrar rockx ;-)
>ZIP  79,8 MB    (83.778.555 Bytes) 38%
>ACE  57,7 MB    (60.594.144 Bytes) 27%
>RAR with bigdic better
>"E:\PROJECT_Gutenberg\uharc.exe" a -r+ -ed- -pr -mx -mm+ -md+ -md32768 
>-b32768 Gutenberg "E:\PROJECT_Gutenberg\pgdvd\*.*"
>RAVE-ON! uz uz uz uz ....
>Crypt0 (maxbrain at hotmail.com)
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E-mail: cannona at fireantproductions.com
Skype: cannona
MSN Messenger: cannona at hotmail.com (Do not send E-mail to the hotmail address.) 

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