[dvdvol] Question regarding barrage of Chilean Requests

Aaron Cannon cannona at fireantproductions.com
Sun Jun 26 16:16:16 PDT 2005

You are correct that most of those addresses are inadequate.  You need, at 
the least a street name and house number, as well as a city.

For example:
Claudio Munoz

Obviously, this won't get very far.  If you need anything translated, let 
me know.  I lived in Guatemala for a year.

Aaron Cannon

At 10:54 PM 6/23/2005, you wrote:
>If you happen to drop by the requests list, we have had a recent influx from
>Chile. It appears that many of them have very short addresses. I have no
>idea if these addresses would work. I would expect to see the name of a city
>perhaps. Am I expecting too much? I don't want to waste a bunch of time,
>supplies, and money, but I don't want to disappoint a big group of
>interested people.
>I have a similar situation for a Colombian address as well. Both Chile and
>Colombia have postal web sites, but they are in Spanish and my ability to
>operate in that language is quite limited.
>Please let me know what you think. Thank you.
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