[dvdvol] automated system going down

Aaron Cannon cannona at fireantproductions.com
Sun Feb 27 13:05:09 PST 2005

The system for requesting dvds will, at some point in the next week or so, 
go offline for a while.  I don't anticipate that it will be off for more 
than a day, and probably much less time than that.  The reason for the down 
time is that Project Gutenberg is moving their web pages to a separate file 
server.  This will ultimately result in faster access for everyone and 
should take care of the major delays we've been seeing when checking in and 
out requests.

So, if you login to the automated system some time in the next few days and 
it looks like all the requests are gone, don't be alarmed.  It's just 

Feel free to keep checking requests in and out like you have been up until 
it is taken offline.  Everything will be moved over so nothing should be lost.


Aaron Cannon

E-mail: cannona at fireantproductions.com
Skype: cannona
MSN Messenger: cannona at hotmail.com (Do not send E-mail to the hotmail 

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