[dvdvol] CD and DVD statistics

Aaron Cannon cannona at fireantproductions.com
Thu Oct 14 13:32:55 PDT 2004

Following are some statistics on the CD and DVD mailing project.  These are 
believed to be accurate to within a dozen discs or so.

Project Gutenberg has mailed out a total of 1382 DVDs and 1650 
CDs.  Assuming that the CD has 600 titles, and the DVD has 9400 titles, we 
have mailed out 14,000,000 books.

Thanks all!

Aaron Cannon

If you would like to calculate the total number of requests, simply add the 
number of CDs and DVDs mailed, and then divide by two.  If anyone has any 
additional questions, please let me know.

E-mail: cannona at fireantproductions.com
Skype: cannona
MSN Messenger: cannona at hotmail.com (Do not send E-mail to the hotmail address.) 

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