[DRMAA-WG] Meeting minutes - Conference call - Aug 25th - 19:00 UTC

Peter Tröger peter at troeger.eu
Wed Aug 25 15:57:36 CDT 2010

Participants: Roger, Dan, Mariusz, Peter

> 1. Meeting secretary ?
> 2. eMail on job start / termination - follow-up of mail discussion
- Don't use multiple attributes that contain the same addresses
- Enumeration of flag combinations would not be extensible by the 
implementation, and does not scale for future DRMAA versions
- Decision to have one address attribute, plus a set of boolean flag 
attributes for the time of email sending

> 3. New JT attribute for re-runnable jobs

- Re-runnability is different from checkpointability in the majority of 
- Different default settings in the DRM systems
- General agreement on adding the boolean attribute

- Raised new issue: What are the default values for JobTemplate 
atrtributes ?
     - So far, DRM system defaults are implicitely used when not setting 
an attribute
     - Worked with getter / setter - based attribute change, how to 
realize with JT struct ?
     - Two options: Notion of "invalid value", default for all 
attributes OR setting system defaults as struct value defaults
     - Second option not implementable in all cases, example working 
- First option might mandate explicit error checking in DRMAA 
applications, which was not mandatory with setter function exceptions
- Problem identified as not big enough to roll-back data struct approach
- Decision: Defining "invalid value" for data types is task of the 
language binding
     - Boolean in C: Use custom enumeration (TRUE, FALSE, INVALID) or 
pointer to static values
     - Numerical in C: Use magic number; since all long attributes are 
unsigned, it could be MIN_INT
     - Implementation strategy for Java exists
     - With Python, just use NONE

> 4. JobInfo::jobTemplate vs. job monitoring attributes (check Google 
> spreadsheet)
> 5. Sanity check for OS type description (check 
> http://tinyurl.com/25cy9u7 )
> 6. Proposal for new JobInfo attributes: priority and memory 
> consumption (check Google spreadsheet)
> 7. Is SGE really not able to distinguish between user mode CPU time 
> and system mode CPU time ? (check Google spreadsheet)
> 8. Collaborative editing of Google spreadsheet
> Google spreadsheet:
> http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AqyvnBscJNqxcnJBSUs5dXRrU29EUVhGOGthc1lDTFE

Not covered due to time constraints.


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