[DRMAA-WG] Meeting Minutes - Conference call -May 12th -

Daniel Gruber D.Gruber at Sun.COM
Wed May 13 02:37:22 CDT 2009

Participants in the call: Peter, Hrabri, Roger, Daniel G.

1. Meeting secretary for this meeting?

Daniel G.

2. TERMINATED vs. FAILED - discussion reloaded, see


The proposed solution (have one state [TERMINATED] for external 
reasons and one state [FAILED] for job related reasons) is 
OK for Condor and SGE but NOT for PBS. Hence it is not implementable 
on all platforms. So we keep the old model. 

3. Issue #5878 - Standardized resource usage attributes

ACTION ITEM: Collect information (attribute names and 
semantic) which resource attributes are available on different 
DRMS (out of the box). 
Daniel G.: SGE 
Roger: LSF 
Peter: Condor, (contact other DRM manufacturer) 
[FedSTage, GridWay]
Mailing List Users: Please commit information for other DRMS. 

Next steps: Finding common subset of attributes. 

There could be semantical clashes of some concepts 
hence the question is to which level of detail should 
we formulate the attributes? Which concept? Dictionary? 

4. Issue #5881 - Formulating resource requirements in job templates

Data model is more or less same as 3. Keeping it synchronous 
with 3. 

ACTION ITEM: Same as for 3. Collect information for different 

Additional agenda items: 

5. DRMAA meeting on ISC 

Since the current progress is to slow it was accepted 
that we have a closed door meeting on ISC conference 
with 1 or 2 slots. 

6. Conference call time 

The conference call time could be 3h later on the same day. 
So far all participants in conference call agreed.
An official request on mailing list will follow.

With kind regards, 

Daniel G.

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