Peter Tröger peter.troeger at hpi.uni-potsdam.de
Sat Mar 18 15:33:59 CST 2006

> OK, Thank you very much for the explanation. Just to make sure I get it
>  right. In the ST_INPUT_FILE_FAILURE test, the job is not able to run as
>  there is no input file, and therefore there is no exit information. Is this
>  an example of an abnormal termination?.

Sorry, no. Since the job never ran, there is also no termination - 
normal or abnormal. The ST_INPUT_FILE_FAILURE test case checks for a 
non-zero result from drmaa_wifaborted(), which indicates that the job 
was 'ended' before it entered the running state. I would expect that 
drmaa_wifexited() returns a zero value for "exited" in this case, since 
no further exit information can be available.

( Note: The testsuite assumes here that unusable input files are 
detected by the DRM before the job starts. This  seems to be realistic, 
since file staging operations are usually not part of the job execution.)

The DRMAA job status monitoring functions are a little bit confusing, 
sometimes even for the group members ;-) ... The best thing is to look 
at the code example from the C binding, which should explain most of the 
intended use cases for DRMAA functions.

Best regards,

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