Ruben Santiago Montero rubensm at dacya.ucm.es
Fri Mar 17 03:01:38 CST 2006

	I am finishing the DRMAA experience document for GridWay. I have been
reviewing some of the test that the previous release of GridWay was not able 
to pass. In particular, I have a problem with the  ST_SUBMIT_KILL_SIG.  The 
test seems to be successfully executed as shown by its output:

The DRMAA test suite 1.0.0 is now starting.  Once it has begun execution,
please do not interrupt (CTRL-C) it.  If the program is interrupted
before drmaa_exit() is called, session state information might be
left behind in your DRM system (52).
Connected to DRM system "GridWay"
starting test "ST_SUBMIT_KILL_SIG"
Testing with SIGUSR1
submitted job "0"
expected non-regular job end: job "0" finished due to signal SIGUSR1
test "ST_SUBMIT_KILL_SIG" failed

However it fails at the the end in the following if:

drmaa_wifexited(&exited, stat, NULL, 0);
if (exited==0) {
  report_wrong_job_finish("expected non-regular job end", jobid, stat);
  return 1;

The DRMAA API C Bindings v1.0 document says:
"The drmaa_wifexited() function SHALL evaluate into exited a non-zero value if 
stat was returned for a job that termined normally,"

As the job is signaled in the test, exited==0 means it did not finish normally 
so the "if" should be:

if (exited!=0) {
  report_wrong_job_finish("expected non-regular job end", jobid, stat);
  return 1;

Am i right?

Best Regards


 Dr. Ruben Santiago Montero
 Assistant Professor
 Dpto. Arquitectura de Computadores y Automatica
 Facultad de Informatica
 Universidad Complutense      phone  : +34 91 394 75 38
 28040 Madrid                 fax    : +34 91 394 75 27
 Spain                        email  : rubensm at dacya.ucm.es

GridWay, The Way to Grid! http://www.gridway.org

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