[drmaa-wg] SGE, drmaa_job_ps and DRMAA sessions

Tim Harsch harsch1 at llnl.gov
Wed Mar 2 18:10:24 CST 2005

    Someone who knows the spec better than I should probably confirm but I
believe drmaa_job_ps is indeed only tracking the jobs submitted from within
the session.  In my opinion, for drmaa_job_ps, it is indeed how the
behaviour should be from a sort of object oriented perspective... however,
that doesn't meand there shouldn't perhaps be a sessionless set of API
functions designed for manipulating jobs on the grid as a whole.  I don't
know if this has been discussed for DRMAA before or not.
    I can see how this would be a problem for a set of CGIs, since each are
a new process you'll not be able to maintain the drmaa_session accross
processes.  I don't know if there is a way around it...
    You might have to consider maintaining your job ids in a persistent
store of your own and backtick calls to qsub, etc.  Its ugly in that you'll
have the process overhead each time, but you'll get more of the SGE specific
features that way.

    Perhaps the group can help tell us if there is a way to set up a
persistent DRMAA session?

    Wouldn't this problem also be a problem for Globus?  At one of the
conferences they were saying that Globus would (in the future) perhaps use
DRMAA as the tie in to the DRM, seems like without persistent sessions this
might be a bit difficult in practice.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Áncor González Sosa" <ancorgs at softhome.net>
To: <drmaa-wg at ggf.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 3:34 PM
Subject: [drmaa-wg] SGE, drmaa_job_ps and DRMAA sessions

I'm developing a webmin module for submiting jobs and fetching the results
a cluster with Sun Grid Engine 6.0u1. I'm using Scheduler::DRMAAc, the Perl
wrapper of the C binding of the DRMAA specification.

My problem is that drmaa_job_ps() only works for jobs that have been
in the current DRMAA session. Is this the expected behavior in any DRMAA
implementation or is a feature/bug of SGE 6? I'm not sure, even after
the DRMAA 1.0 specification paper. If it is the normal behavior of a DRMAA
system, I find DRMAA really useless for "unattended" execution.

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