[DFDL-WG] agenda item - review public comments

Mike Beckerle mbeckerle.dfdl at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 15:48:41 EST 2021

The public comment period is over.

I'd like to go through the public comments, which should capture all the
outstanding issues for the DFDL v1.0 spec., and narrow down on any where we
still don't have a good resolution. My hope would be to edit the spec and
review the edits exactly once, and have a final draft this month. To do
that we need draft language for resolving the outstanding issues.

Public comments are here:

   - https://github.com/OpenGridForum/Editor/issues

Several are supportive comments, but do not suggest changes specifically. I
plan to just leave those open until the final GFD comes out.

The others that require some actual change and that I would close once
addressed in the spec are:

   - https://github.com/OpenGridForum/Editor/issues/16 - large block of
   grammar/wording corrections. There is some ongoing commentary on this
   ticket to get clarity on some of the points of this detailed public
   comment. Most of the suggested changes are not controversial and can just
   be applied as suggested.
   - https://github.com/OpenGridForum/Editor/issues/15 - just needs
   specific wording to be drafted.
   - https://github.com/OpenGridForum/Editor/issues/14 - we need to decide:
   optional, or implementation-dependent/defined - plus specific wording needed
   - https://github.com/OpenGridForum/Editor/issues/9 - ready to edit into
   the spec.
   - https://github.com/OpenGridForum/Editor/issues/8 - just needs specific
   wording to be drafted


Mike Beckerle | OGF DFDL Workgroup Co-Chair | Owl Cyber Defense |
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