[DFDL-WG] BLOB - binary large object proposal - updated

Lawrence, Stephen slawrence at tresys.com
Thu Aug 8 08:40:45 EDT 2019

The intention was that this new type would be an internal built-in type
and so no extra properties could be placed on the new simple type. One
drawback that I'm realizing as I implement this feature in Daffodil, is
that in order to use non DFDL aware XML Validation tools to validate the
XML infoset, you need to provide and xs:import this new DFDL schema that
defines the dfdlx:blob type, which feels a little awkward to me for
something that's considered a built-in for DFDL processors.

Maybe an alternative would be to not have a dfdlx:blob type, allow the
use of the xs:anyURI type for simple elements, with the implication that
we treat the element as if it were xs:hexBinary except for the
infoset/blob output. This doesn't easily support CLOB's, but a new DFDL
property could determine how an xs:anyURI should be interpreted, e.g.:

  <xs:element name="myBlobData" type="xs:anyURI"
    dfdl:largeObjectType="xs:hexBinary" ... />

  <xs:element name="myClobData" type="xs:anyURI"
    dfdl:largeOjectType="xs:string" ... />

So a type of xs:anyURI implies this is going to be some kind of large
object representation, and it requires the dfdl:largeOjectType property
that must reference a simple type that defines how the content should be
turned into an large object. This might also help to support
restrictions on the blob data, as well as implicit lengths, e.g.:

  <xs:simpleType name="blob10">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:hexBinary">
      <xs:maxLength value="20" /

  <xs:element name="data" type="xs:anyURI" dfdl:objectType="blob10"
dfdl:lengthKind="implict" />

DFDL properties could be placed on either the element or the objectType
simpleType, with the base type of dfdl:largeObjectType determining which
properties are valid/interpreted, rather than the element type (which
must be anyURI).

But maybe this all adds unnecessary complexity?

Regarding specifying the filename via a DFDL property rather than API,
we have a use cases where each parse would need to output to a different
directory so a property might cause problems with this. But perhaps this
could be handled by a variable, e.g.:

  <xs:element name="data" type="dfdlx:blob"
    dfdl:blobDirectory="{ $blobDir }" ... />

That said, we had additional use cases where a DFDL blobDirectory
property would be too restrictive. For example, maybe the blobs should
be put into a database, or pushed to a data store in the cloud, stored
in local memory, or not stored anywhere at all but with a special URI
with offset+length to the original data. We chose to ignore these
use-cases for simplicity, but these different options would probably
require a flexible API to support. By going with an API to specify the
output directory, it makes it a bit easier to support these different
blob outputs in the future if it was needed.

On 8/8/19 5:09 AM, Steve Hanson wrote:
> Mike
> Am I allowed to put DFDL properties on the new simple type, or is the new type 
> considered to be a built-in type?  I think the latter is clearer and simpler to 
> implement.  Support for 'clob' would then just add a new simple type restriction 
> 'dfdlx:clob'.
> Assuming that the feature makes it into a future DFDL 2.0, the schema containing 
> the 'blob' simple type would then be in the standard DFDL namespace. That's the 
> first example of such a schema, as this is the first time we are extending base 
> XML Schema as opposed to defining annotations. If the new type is considered a 
> built-in type, then this schema should be part of the DFDL 2.0 standard and 
> read-only.
> Any thoughts on allowing the specification of the filename via DFDL property 
> rather than API call?
> Presumably I could create a local restriction of 'dfdlx:blob'? One motivation 
> for so doing would be to validate the length or content of my binary data. 
> There's a problem with that though - validation works against the infoset, so 
> the allowable facets are those applicable to xs:anyUri and would be applied to 
> the file name, not the binary data. It also means that dfdl:lengthKind 
> 'implicit' can't be used.  I don't see a way round this.
> Regards
> Steve Hanson
> IBM Hybrid Integration, Hursley, UK
> Architect, _IBM DFDL_ <http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/se-dfdl/index.html>
> Co-Chair, _OGF DFDL Working Group_ <http://www.ogf.org/dfdl/>_
> __smh at uk.ibm.com_ <mailto:smh at uk.ibm.com>
> tel:+44-1962-815848
> mob:+44-7717-378890
> Note: I work Tuesday to Friday
> From: Mike Beckerle <mbeckerle.dfdl at gmail.com>
> To: DFDL-WG <dfdl-wg at ogf.org>
> Date: 12/07/2019 18:14
> Subject: [DFDL-WG] BLOB - binary large object proposal - updated
> Sent by: "dfdl-wg" <dfdl-wg-bounces at ogf.org>
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This concept, ,which has been discussed before, is in high demand in the 
> Daffodil user community to enable DFDL to be used to parse image file formats.
> The use case is to provide uniform image-metadata access without getting bogged 
> down in the large byte-array that makes up most of the file and would be very 
> large (and pointless) if rendered into XML or JSON.
> So our proposal, (which will get turned into an official Experimental feature 
> document), has been simplified and revised and is described here:
> _https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/DAFFODIL/Proposal%3A+Binary+Large+Objects_ 
> Mike Beckerle | OGF DFDL Workgroup Co-Chair | Tresys Technology | 
> _www.tresys.com_ <http://www.tresys.com>
> Please note: Contributions to the DFDL Workgroup's email discussions are subject 
> to the _OGF Intellectual Property Policy_ 
> <http://www.ogf.org/About/abt_policies.php>
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