[DFDL-WG] Action 242 - Progress - Single TDML format - Can cross-test now.

Mike Beckerle mbeckerle.dfdl at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 23:35:36 EST 2018

Good progress to report on TDML and on creating tools so we can do
interoperability testing more easily and push for our demonstration of
2-interoperable implementations.

I am able to run TDML test suites against IBM DFDL now from the

The ibmCrossTestRig is not part of Daffodil (because it links against IBM
DFDL), but is open source Apache License v2, and is currently in review at:


This may not be its permanent home, but for now that's where it is. There's
a README.txt on how to set it up. It requires that one obtain IBM DFDL, and
put the jars in lib, etc.

This requires a daffodil 2.3.0 dev branch snapshot build, as the guts of
the TDML runner are in one of daffodil's jars, and that depends on
daffodil's IO and other libraries for synthesizing and comparing test data,

In fact as of this writing, the daffodil changes to support this testing
rig are still also in PR review at


But we hope to have them on the main development 2.3.0 branch in about a
week, and an official release within a month or so.

Individual TDML parser/unparser test cases, or whole TDML test suites can
be marked with what implementations they should be run against.

A few tests are built in to the test rig. These will drive the IBM DFDL
samples that come with IBM DFDL from TDML as tests.

The tests in daffodil's daffodil-test-ibm1 module are the first target for
cross-testing. You basically modify one file (build.sbt) to point the test
rig at suites of tests to run.

These tests are mostly set to run on both daffodil and IBM DFDL, but some
are daffodil-only because they use computed values or hidden groups. Those
tests (18 of them) get skipped if you run against IBM DFDL.

This little test suite includes most of the 70+ tests that were originally
authored by IBM, and given to the "world" way back when as part of DFDL
working-group promotion of TDML.   There are also around 30 tests that were
part of the original Univ. of Illinois NCSA Daffodil project when it was
first started.

We don't currently know if these tests are still "as were contributed" or
through the years we've tweeked them to get them to work on Daffodil. But
in any case, they're a useful set to start from.

Current state of portability of this first small suite of 112 tests is this
JUnit summary:

[error] Failed: Total 112, Failed 15, Errors 0, Passed 79, Skipped 18

That is, of 112 tests, 18 are skipped. 15 failed (are not portable, but we
think they should be). These need some analysis. We've already created JIRA
tickets for some of these non-portability issues. They need analysis to see
what the  proper behavior is, and which implementation is correct or if
there really is ambiguity/laxity and both are possibly correct.



The above include separator/terminator issues, and a number of issues with
date/time formats and when "Z" vs "+00:00" are to be used, and when
fractional seconds are supposed to be in the infoset, etc.

We also already have a test which failed on IBM DFDL, but in fact that is
correct behavior.

This was the one where Daffodil was making the test work by inserting
coercions that it shouldn't have.


So we're starting to get some initial benefits from the cross testing

Mike Beckerle | OGF DFDL Workgroup Co-Chair | Tresys Technology |
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