[DFDL-WG] DFDL call Wed 9am PST

Westhead, Martin (Martin) westhead at avaya.com
Tue Apr 24 21:56:11 CDT 2007

The agenda will be focused on the ongoing changes to the document for
OGF in May.


Call details:

The following number can be used for our future regular weekly 12pm
US.ET (9am US.PT) calls. 

This number does not require activation by a confidential leader code;
hence, no matter who dials in first, the call will be active and people
can get started. 

The call is active from 12pm to 1:30pm US.ET. I believe this will change
with the US time zones in the fall, but we'll find out when we get

If we schedule other calls at other times we'll need to use different
dial-in numbers of course. 

*Dial-in Number: 


*Dial-in Toll Number: 


*Conference Code: 


Helpful Keypad Commands: 

*	*0 Operator Assistance - conference 
*	00 Operator Assistance - individual 
*	*6 / #6 Mute/Unmute - individual 



Dr. Martin Westhead

Technical Lead, Assured Networks Group, Milpitas, CA| westhead at avaya.com
|+1 408-577-7810 



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