[DAIS-WG] Feedback about the current RDF(S) query spec [RV: problems using the WS-DAI-RDFS specification]

Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez mesteban at fi.upm.es
Tue May 5 11:16:21 CDT 2009

Hello everybody,

I finally managed to talk to the developer who is implementing the 
RDF(S) query spec. In short, he doesn't know if the version available
in the forge is up-to-date and reliable, as he found errors in the 
annexes (which in the end provide a "computable" API of the specification)
that in case of being under development would not be there. Anyhow,
he also mentions that most of the errors and typos can be corrected
easily, just by inspecting the WSDL files. Find attached his comments
and suggestions.



-----Mensaje original-----
De: Carlos Buil Aranda [mailto:cbuil at fi.upm.es] 
Enviado el: martes, 05 de mayo de 2009 15:44
Para: Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez
Asunto: problems using the WS-DAI-RDFS specification

Hello Miguel,

Here comes a short list with the problems I had when I worked with the
WS-DAI-RDFS specification.

The first problem I saw is that the last version of the specification
document is from July 2007. So I suppose it is not updated to the latest
version of the specification but I do not know for sure.
Another problem is that the WSDL and XSD files are in the annex of the
document. I think it would be better to have separate document so these
files can be validated.
The next problem is regarding namespaces. Due to a .doc document cannot be
parsed by a WSDL checker some errors appear. I saw errors in the namespaces
at the beginning of the WSDL document, typos in operation names (such
mazOccurs=”unbounded”) or typos when referencing messages down in the port
types section.

Finally I managed to make all work but I needed a bit of time for solving
all the mistakes.



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