[DAIS-WG] Large Size Data Handling Issue

Sunil Ahn siahn at kisti.re.kr
Sun Jun 14 21:14:36 CDT 2009

Hi All,

This is Sunil Ahn, an AMGA WS-DAIR developer. 

I am facing a problem with handling large size data on AMGA WS-DAIR implementation. 

Currently entire SOAP message should be hold in a memory until tne transfer is complete. 
If the size of message is too large, it may cause server crash or significant perfermance degrade. 

Because WS-DAI & WS-DAIR specification does not take into account of streaming (such as MTOM),
  I think other implementations(DAIX, DAIR, DAIRDF, ....) face the same problem.

I think, There should be some support by the specification to solve this issue. 
There are two possible ways. Maybe more..
First one is to define a new fault message in the spec (for example, TooLargeSizeDataRequestedFault),
  so that a user having this fault is urged to use indirect data service 
       or retrieve data with several requests. 
Second one is to modify the spec to allow streaming (such as MTOM defined in SOAP 1.2).  

Any comments or ideas would be appreciated.

Best Regards,
Sunil Ahn. 


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