[DAIS-WG] [dais-wg] Stepping Down as Co-Chair

Ny Haingo Andrianarisoa ny-haingo.andrianarisoa at insa-lyon.fr
Thu Oct 5 09:33:40 CDT 2006

Dear all,

I would first join Malcolm Atkinson in thanking Norman Paton and the 
DAIS-WG main contributors for all the work that has been led and done 
until the publication of DAIS specifications as GGF (should it be 
henceforth called: OGF?) recommandation documents.

Nevertheless a piece of Norman Paton's sentences disturbed me a little: 
"a demise of WSRF". What should I (we?) understand? Would WSRF 
specifications be overshadowed by "simple" WS standards? For the rest, 
WSRF seems to me too specific for grid services to be given up -I think 
this observation looks obvious for anyone concerned with grids.

To my knowledge, WSRF still goes on (version 1.2 raised on April 2006). 
One of our current leading projects is based on an implementation of 
WS-DAI and its relational realization (according the latest 
specifications) over the WSRF.NET framework (thanks to Marty Humphrey 
and his team from the University of Virginia). Should we definitely 
change our framework foundations? I hope we would not have to do so.

Thanks for your clarification. My apologizes in case this message is 
sent (or felt to be sent) to an inappropriate place -although I believe 
many people would be interested in the WSRF status.

With regards,
Ny Haingo Andrianarisoa.

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