[DAIS-WG] Stepping Down as Co-Chair

Malcolm Atkinson mpa at nesc.ac.uk
Wed Oct 4 15:45:37 CDT 2006


As I have said before, many thanks for all your hard work and patient


-----Original Message-----
From: dais-wg-bounces at ogf.org [mailto:dais-wg-bounces at ogf.org] On Behalf
Of Norman Paton
Sent: 04 October 2006 21:34
To: dais-wg at ggf.org
Subject: [DAIS-WG] Stepping Down as Co-Chair

This is just to let the group know that, as the first 3 WS-DAI 
specifications have now reached Provisional Recommendation status, I 
propose to step down as Co-Chair of the DAIS-WG. I have enjoyed my time 
working in the GGF to help bring these into being, but always intended 
not to retain this responsibility beyond the publication of the 
specifications. I will continue to participate in the interoperability 
testing activity, but don't plan to contribute directly to the emerging 
RDF realisation. I hope that, in due course, someone participating in 
the development of the RDF realisation will take on a co-chair role.

As a brief indulgence, here are some highs and lows. Highs: working 
together with a diverse and interesting group of people - I hope to 
retain contact with a range of folks met through the GGF; being part of 
a wider community trying to do something challenging but worthwhile; 
visiting Toronto, Edinburgh, Chicago, Tokyo, Seattle, Berlin, Hawaii, 
Brussels and Athens; finally seeing the specifications in print. Lows: 
winter in Toronto; the demise of OGSI; the demise of WSRF; 
intercontinental travel in economy; jet lag. 

All the best,

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