Coronavirus: Thread

grarpamp grarpamp at
Tue Jun 20 21:47:37 PDT 2023

Cameron Winklevoss @cameron
Jun 19
This is what happens when you stop engaging in science and start
worshipping Science.
Tyler Winklevoss @tyler
Jun 19
. at PeterHotez is a cautionary tale. Turns out if you become an
establishment marionette and parrot its narrative on mainstream media
for years completely unchallenged, you will undergo such mental rot
that despite being an MD PhD and having 40+ years experience in the
fields of……
Tyler Winklevoss @tyler
Jun 19
It's quite amazing just how naked and fragile the emperor is when he
steps outside the prism of a few cable news channels.
Cameron Winklevoss @cameron
Jun 19
The astonishing revelation about @PeterHotez's refusal to debate
@RobertKennedyJr on @joerogan is not that he doesn't feel comfortable
staking out his position in an open, long-form debate (he doesn't),
but that he feels completely comfortable doing so on mainstream media
any day……

Cameron Winklevoss @cameron
No one is above the law. Unless you're the President's son.

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