[ot] Stronger-After.org Is a Beautiful Glimpse of Freedom

Karl Semich 0xloem at gmail.com
Tue Jan 10 15:41:31 PST 2023


Thousands of people experience intimidation and abuse in groups and
relationships because someone in power is using fear, isolation or
ideology to manipulate them.

We've been there; we believe you. That's why Stronger After offers
free online tools for those breaking away from coercion.

[About Coercion]

[About Stronger After]

Do you experience repetitive and all-or-nothing thinking? Are you
afraid of making mistakes? Do you have difficulties connecting with
others, identifying your feelings, communicating your needs, or saying

Many experience involuntary thoughts, feelings, or behaviors as a
result of coercive control. It's a normal reaction to an abnormal

[Common issues after coercion]

[What is a toxic group / relationship?]


Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could escape an abusive situation and
just leave all the hurt behind?

However, coercion makes you internalize negative messages about yourself.

In order to fully step away, you have to address the impact of your experience.

Informed support is essential.

[Setting healthy boundaries]

Read some of our articles, join an online class or consider the 5-unit
one-on-one course with one of our coaches.

Learn more about healthy boundaries and relationships, coercion,
manipulation, how to protect yourself, and how to live an independent


[Online Classes]

Subscribe to the newsletter to receive free worksheets, class
offerings, and event info: [Email]

contact at stronger-after.org


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