1984: Thread

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 22:34:03 PDT 2022

> California adopts Armed MurderBots to Drone Strike innocent

The Rise Of The Biomedical Security State


“History doesn’t repeat itself,” said Mark Twain, “but it often
rhymes.” This is among the reasons we look to the past, straining as
best we can through the deepening fog of time to discern lessons for
our own day. Analogies to the events that came before are always
imperfect, but nevertheless often useful for understanding our present
moment. Thus, only a historical myopia can explain why it’s become so
common to describe the events involving the covid pandemic as
“unprecedented,” even though pandemics have tended to occur every
hundred years or so. This nearsightedness is also perilous given, for
instance, the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset Initiative” and the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s recent pledge to spend $200 million
on developing international biometric-based digital identifications.

Consider prior regimes for which the pretext of “public safety” during
an emergency paved the way for excessive state-sanctioned powers and
to, in some cases, totalitarianism. Going back centuries, whenever the
Roman Republic faced an acute existential threat, such as an invading
army, the Senate would appoint a dictator with immense and
far-reaching authority. Over a period of three-hundred years,
dictators were appointed on ninety-five occasions. Upon termination of
the crisis, each was required to quickly relinquish their authority.
And they did so every time––except once, and that marked the beginning
of imperial overstretch, and, ultimately, the collapse of the Roman

We should also recall that it was the unabashedly named Committee of
Public Safety that carried out the French Revolution’s infamous Reign
of Terror. Now I recognize that almost anyone who draws an analogy to
the Third Reich is met with the charge of hyperbole. But one would be
remiss not to mention Nazi Germany when specifically discussing
historical cases of state-sanctioned authoritarian power being used in
the name of “public safety.” It remains a sobering, instructive, and
undeniable fact that Nazi Germany was governed for virtually the
entirety of its existence under Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution,
which allowed for the suspension of German law in times of an

If these historical examples seem alarmist, consider that Australia
rounded up citizens exposed to covid, including asymptomatic people,
and shipped them to detention facilities against their will. Videos of
Australian detention centers made their way onto social media before
tech censors dutifully scrubbed them from the internet. Canada
likewise built detention facilities for infected and exposed persons.

Authoritarian measures during the pandemic went beyond detention of
suspected or actual cases. The Medical Indemnity Protection Society
(MIPS) is the singular authority for providing medical malpractice
insurance in Australia. MIPS published “12 Commandments” to help
physicians avoid disciplinary “notifications” by the country’s
governing agency. MIPS Commandment #9 ominously warns Australian
doctors that mentioning findings of a published scientific study not
consistent with “public health messaging” could potentially result in
them losing their ability to practice medicine.

Likewise, in the United States, the Federation of State Medical Boards
(FSMB), an authority on medical licensure and physician discipline,
passed a policy in May 2022 on disciplining physicians for
“misinformation” and “disinformation” that will guide all state
medical boards and, in turn, the nation’s physicians they license. It
might even become state law. Stunningly, the very first example of
non-compliance cited involves the FSMB’s October 6, 2020 assertion
about the efficacy of cloth masks—an assertion later shown to be
false. If the FSMB genuinely wanted to combat falsehoods, it would
start by addressing the ones it promulgated during the pandemic. It
could then move on to those disseminated by our public health
authorities, who routinely flip-flopped on “The Science.”

My home state, California, took up the FSMB’s suggestion to codify its
recommendations. I recently traveled to Sacramento to testify against
this legislation in the State Senate. The law empowers the state
medical board to discipline physicians for spreading “misinformation,”
defined as statements that contradict the current scientific consensus
(an ill-defined legal standard). Undermining its own central claims,
the text of Assembly Bill 2098 made multiple statements about covid
that were already outdated by the time I arrived in the capital,
because—despite what our bureaucratic overlords posit—science
constantly evolves. Alas, the controversial bill was ultimately voted
into law last month, passing strictly along party lines.

Fortunately, biomedical authoritarianism is meeting additional
resistance. Both physicians and patients in California oppose AB 2098
because they recognize that a doctor with a gag order is not a doctor
that can be trusted. They also understand that censorship is anathema
to scientific progress. Along with other physicians in California, I
will soon file a lawsuit in federal court challenging AB 2098 on First
Amendment free-speech grounds. I am confident that this law—which
undermines the medical-informed consent process, and, ultimately,
harms patients—will not withstand judicial scrutiny. The burgeoning
grassroots medical-freedom movement constitutes the necessary
corrective to what has with frightening rapidity become the new

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