Julian Assange, Rapist?

professor rat pro2rat at yahoo.com.au
Tue May 31 03:20:36 PDT 2022

The world is moving towards embracing the Swedish model for sexual-assault and rape and that is a good thing, though I personally prefer jury trials to the Inquisitorial model.

GEOFFREY "sexual offence for a man to deliberately deceive a partner whose consent has been conditional upon his use of a condom" ROBERTSON

The innocent man charged with rape doesn't act like Asshat did and jump-bail.

The principled man charged with rape stands down from any responsible position while under that dark cloud - like Asshat didn't - despite advice from the better half of Wikileaks.

Then - as I said - why not sue the CSM if you claim they're lying about your rape charge?

And ASFAIK this statement still stands

JULIAN " Being guilty of aggravated rape has nothing to do with our party" A. Broinowski. Wikileaks Party NSW candidate for au Senate. 2013.

Then ' damage to the Au govt ' - give me a fuckin' break!

"... Mr Assange agreed that some level of privacy was necessary for the successful operation of the military ..."

JULIAN " ‘[The military] protects the sovereignty of Australia. It protects the independence of Australia.' ASSANGE July, 2013

NONE of Asshats barmy-army has ever dealt with this extraordinary statement of guilt.

He's excusing this appalling rape among others


Rapists  - and rape apologists - like this one have all earned killing. 

Wikileaks apologists GO FUCK YOURSELF

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