kennedy vs the vaccine nazis - Re: Coronavirus: Thread

grarpamp grarpamp at
Mon Jan 17 22:03:16 PST 2022

On 1/17/22, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <punks at> wrote:
> the roads govcorp usurps ... they are not govcorp's roads.

Get real with current reality.
Yeah hundreds to forever of years ago "roads"
were humanity's free and communal paths.
Till some greasy Gov Kings got with slick Corp
psychopaths and murdered all the natives and stole
their roads and everything else in mass formation
psychological scam of violent usurpation.
Now, years later, they are all dead, but GovCorp
and its military enforcers lived on by design.
Then your buddy Robert Moses and Hitler came around
and stole entrenched and murdered even more in
name of "your", aka: their, roads.
Now, just like when you will drink a vat of Corona to
prove your claim of total non-existance or non-harm
or whatever it is you're claiming... when you will drive
your asshole Porsche without "insurance", park it in
middle of autobahn at 3PM, get out, burn your "ID"
"driver license" "license plate" "VIN" and "GPS tracker",
then tell all the gestapo pigs that show up to fuck off away
because the road belongs to humanity... then you, sir, will
have backed your statement that the roads "are not govcorp's
roads". Reality is, that roads are now "property" of fictional GovCorp.
You are of course free to use your argument among the tools
needed to get the roads back to humanity, as that is where
they must go.

On 1/17/22, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <punks at> wrote:
> 	agent A vomited this lie :

Two self proclaimed "anarchists" attacking each other.
Guess their mutual definition of "anarchy" includes violating
the nap to murder each other, seemingly over nothing but words.

And P-BS, as he does to everyone, claims that his agent A
actually wrote that article, when what abusive threatener A
actually did was quote it. Now to abusive asshole P-BS's credit,
his agent A is often memeing out plausibly pro-force-vax positionry,
and ridiculing the dead as if vax choice should have been banned
from them, some of whom died from whatever causes or not.

> It must be especially 'voluntary' for 5 year olds.

Such supposed purity of advocacy, coming from
the guy who says...

"There is no fucking 'child sexual abuse'."

> available initially ... people needed it more.

The free market, together working on the production and
use of limited resources felt needed... a free humanity's
chance to pass and give grace to each other... far better than
the cold brutal hand of authoritarian murderous GovCorps deciding
for themselves who lives and dies. And if hoarding bothers people,
then people should free-choose not to sell their products to hoarders.

News is full of GovCorp courts barring families wishes
from being allowed freedom of right-to-try and even to freely
pay for Ivermectin and other alternatives in GovCorp Hospitals,
and all other alternative voluntary "medical" practice centers are
banned by GovCorp because they are not "licensed" by GovCorp.
What a pile of bullshit that is.

> pool of potential infection that needed to be dealt with

Humanity, earth itself, is one giant petri dish. Trying to play
god doesn't really have much track record of success to date,
and is not expected to anytime soon.
Keep using orbit as a trash dump and firing range and the
Sun or space itself will happily sanitize you before you get
off the rock, if you don't do it to yourselves long before then.

Vax force is logically wrong...
If vax works, then take it if you want, you humans
will continue while the rest die. Don't try to claim
high bullshit about care for other humans when you kill
millions from your starvation war murder and toxin.
If vax doesn't work, then you're all dead anyways
no matter what you do.
And you're all dead in the end.
So stop forcing people to do shit.

Didn't grade school teach between bacteria, mold,
parasite, virus, etc. Virus have always been very
tricky bugs, many of which haven't and won't have
any success. Case exemplar... "fully vaxed" people,
"fully vaxed" countries, now dying in big numbers
"from covid", the "epidemic of the unvaxed" and
"vax works" propaganda proven wrong again.

Not even 5% of global two-year death total,
if you even believe those numbers.

It's all bullshit and propaganda, obvious since day one.
Shut that shit down. Let people choose freedom.

Try health, freedom, life, humanity, instead.
That's what always "works" for million of years.

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