Has the age of the "digital siege"​ begun?

professor rat pro2rat at yahoo.com.au
Sat Feb 26 23:22:53 PST 2022

Reading on, I question whether SWIFT would seriously slow Russia down -  but still advocate for it as a strong symbolic gesture that might then be followed up by a full-court-press to pivot the EU away from Russian fuels and reset renewables over fossil/ trad-nuclear.
Agree with other measures - though the Devil is in the detail. 
A digital siege of Russia will soon bring it to its senses and also send-a-message to any other similar type of CHEKIST dictatorships.  Don't fuck with us.
A successful digital siege also means the United Networks can safely take over from the old UN.
Then, on to Cypherpunk 2027 and overt world-wide crypto-anarchism. OUT, LOUD and PROUD!

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