High-speed laser writing method could pack 500 terabytes of data into CD-sized glass disc

Karl gmkarl at
Fri Oct 29 12:28:05 PDT 2021

i'm doing some readonly stuff right now and clicked this thread!

I only skimmed it quick.  this involves reading sentences from the middle
of the abstract, from materials and methods, and from the conclusion.  here
are fun points regarding this random article:

- presently described using research-grade femtosecond lasers, optics, etc,
because their setup is organised for comparison of approaches, not uses
- similarly their paper reportedish 1-200 K/s write speed 1-100 b/s read
speed, with pointers for how to develop new setups with MB/s speed.
- high density due to 5 degrees of freedom to the artefact written to the
transparent medium
- other uses in shaping detailed nanomaterials
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