USA 2020 Elections: Thread

grarpamp grarpamp at
Tue Mar 23 12:31:02 PDT 2021

Gila Bend, a town near Arizona’s border with Mexico, has a population
of only 2,000 people.
    “Border Patrol let us know that they were going to be dropping
migrants that had been detained for 72 hours in our town, which we
really didn’t understand because we have nothing here,” Riggs told

    “We have no charity organizations that can help, no
non-governmental organizations that a lot of the larger cities and
towns do have to assist these people.”

He explained that they have not received any federal or state
assistance, and that the illegal immigrants being dropped off in his
town can’t get food, lodging

The mayor told the news outlet that crime has gone up in Gila Bend
recently, with about 20 illegal crossers coming into the town on foot
almost daily.

Riggs said that the cost for COVID-19 testing of two busloads of
people a week would cost around $600,000 over a year.

Last week, the National Sheriff’s Association said that up to 50
percent of illegal immigrants are testing positive

“If asked about the poorest policy choice I’ve ever seen in
government, this would be a strong contender,” Arizona Attorney
General Mark Brnovich said in a statement. “Blindly releasing
thousands of people, including convicted criminals and those who may
be spreading COVID-19 into our state, is both unconscionable and a
violation of federal law. This must be stopped now to avoid a
dangerous humanitarian crisis for the immigrants and the people of

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