California bans some high-power computers.

jim bell jdb10987 at
Fri Jul 30 21:59:44 PDT 2021
Banning Progress: the Incredibly Stupid Reason Dell Halted Sales of Gaming PC in California (and 5 Other States)
lCalifornia is the land of bans. So far, this state has banned high-capacity magazines, plastic straws, single-use plastic bags and even the  city of San Francisco has banned Happy Meals.

Americans know California is fond of banning all types of pleasure and progress. So it may come as no surprise that the state has adopted new regulations that have ended up effectively banning a new top-of-the-line gaming PC from Dell. The reason? The new technology uses too much energy. That’s right, a highly advanced PC cannot be sold in California – the state with the fifth largest economy in the world and that is home to the heart of the tech industry – because it uses a lot of power."
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