[spam][crazy] bomb malware

Karl gmkarl at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 03:31:38 PST 2021

I'm looking at this autogenerated ghidra decompilation.  I labeled the
flag as a bool.  PTR_DAT_0804e024 contains the address of DAT_0804e00c
which contains void at start.
The logic here is a little confusing.  I'm trying to put comments inline below.

void FUN_080480c0(void)

  code *pcVar1;

  // code runs only once, sets a flag
  if (BOOL_0804e080 == false) {
    // loop dereferences the ptr, and continues only if it is nonzero
    while (pcVar1 = *(code **)PTR_DAT_0804e024, pcVar1 != (code *)0x0) {
      // ptr is incremented to _next_ value (since this is 32 bit code)
      PTR_DAT_0804e024 = PTR_DAT_0804e024 + 4;
      // _old_ value is derefenced and called?
    BOOL_0804e080 = true;

it looks like it needs to be called at the right time, and calls a
hidden function when that is done?  and may also increment a pointer?
i'd like to review it again.

here's the disassembly:

                             *  FUNCTION

                             undefined __cdecl FUN_080480c0(void)
             undefined         AL:1           <RETURN>
      XREF[1]:     FUN_0804dbd6:0804dbe5(c)
        080480c0 55              PUSH       EBP
        080480c1 89 e5           MOV        EBP,ESP
        080480c3 83 ec 08        SUB        ESP,0x8
        080480c6 80 3d 80        CMP        byte ptr
[BOOL_0804e080],0x0                     = ??
                 e0 04 08 00
        080480cd 74 0c           JZ         LAB_080480db
        080480cf eb 35           JMP        LAB_08048106
      XREF[1]:     080480e4(j)
        080480d1 83 c0 04        ADD        EAX,0x4
        080480d4 a3 24 e0        MOV        [PTR_DAT_0804e024],EAX
                      = 0804e00c
                 04 08
        080480d9 ff d2           CALL       EDX
      XREF[1]:     080480cd(j)
        080480db a1 24 e0        MOV        EAX,[PTR_DAT_0804e024]
                      = 0804e00c
                 04 08
        080480e0 8b 10           MOV        EDX,dword ptr [EAX]=>DAT_0804e00c
        080480e2 85 d2           TEST       EDX,EDX
        080480e4 75 eb           JNZ        LAB_080480d1
        080480e6 b8 00 00        MOV        EAX,0x0
                 00 00
        080480eb 85 c0           TEST       EAX,EAX
        080480ed 74 10           JZ         LAB_080480ff
        080480ef 83 ec 0c        SUB        ESP,0xc
        080480f2 68 08 df        PUSH       0x804df08
                 04 08
        080480f7 e8 04 7f        CALL       SUB_00000000
                 fb f7
        080480fc 83 c4 10        ADD        ESP,0x10
      XREF[1]:     080480ed(j)
        080480ff c6 05 80        MOV        byte ptr
[BOOL_0804e080],0x1                     = ??
                 e0 04 08 01
      XREF[1]:     080480cf(j)
        08048106 c9              LEAVE
        08048107 c3              RET

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