[spam][crazy] bomb malware

Karl gmkarl at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 03:35:17 PST 2021

so let's go through that chunk by chunk

// function prolog, set up a C-style function
        080480c0 55              PUSH       EBP
        080480c1 89 e5           MOV        EBP,ESP
        080480c3 83 ec 08        SUB        ESP,0x8

// compare the flag with 0 (false)
        080480c6 80 3d 80        CMP        byte ptr
[BOOL_0804e080],0x0                     = ??
                 e0 04 08 00

// goto 080480db if it is false
        080480cd 74 0c           JZ         LAB_080480db

// goto 08048106 if it is true
        080480cf eb 35           JMP        LAB_08048106

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