Coronavirus: Thread

grarpamp grarpamp at
Wed Dec 1 20:59:04 PST 2021

> Australia builds Corona Concentration Camps...

Merkel, EU Chief Call For Vaccine Mandates
This pandemic is causing officials to make extremely irrational
decisions that would have been unthinkable during “normal times”.
Earlier today, I was horrified to hear that one of my readers had just
been denied access to a local hospital.  He was taking his wife in for
a very important reason, but there were people at the entrance that
were checking the vaccination status of everyone that attempted to
enter.  He and his wife had not been vaccinated, and so they were
turned away.

It’s very disappointing to see how politicized the pandemic became in
the United States. It obviously didn’t help that COVID struck in an
Election year, but there will be plenty of blame to go around the
table when a proper post-mortem analysis is conducted years from now.
We hope that Bethany McLean (Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room)
will eventually write a thoroughly unbiased expose on the timeline of
policy decisions in 2020. We’re of the firm belief that our Leaders in
Washington D.C. did more harm than good... The shutdowns that we
witnessed in the United States were a flawed policy decision akin to
willful pilot error or ‘economic terrorism'... What happened can only
be described as a crime.

NYC Prisons Face Crippling Staff Shortages As Thousands Defy Mayor's
Vaccination Mandate

France Deploys Military Police To Caribbean Islands Amid Unrest Over
Vaccine Mandate

The French government has deployed military police to the Caribbean
islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe amid intensifying protests
against COVID-19 vaccine mandates and other pandemic related
Compulsory vaccinations for health workers, a measure already
introduced on the French mainland, had fuelled resentment among the
islands’ population.

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