[WAR] ... and AP

Zenaan Harkness zen at freedbms.net
Fri Nov 1 22:22:57 PDT 2019

On Fri, Nov 01, 2019 at 07:46:12PM -0500, \0xDynamite wrote:

> So, the "bad guy problem" is premised that there are BAD people.  But
> each of those people were children once who didn't care about your
> household estate, your equine performance, or your wife's/husbands
> tits/cock.
> So, is the whole formulation of punk/activism wrong?  NO.  Because,
> while there are no inherently bad people (cf. Jesus), there are simply
> people who have not benefitted the SAME WAY and EXTENT of the current
> incumbents of power and property.

The one who is driven, by debt, greed, or blackmail, to commit
atrocities, is very reasonably argued to be "a bad guy" yes.

And yes, in the grandest of all inter generational views on human
existence, we can look to this "bad" guys causes, what horrors he or
she faced as a child, what their parents faced, and theirs ad
infinitum and blame it all on Eve. Or Adam. Or that grandest of
unfathomables "Our Creator".

In the mico, the moment, the event, there are evil, and unforgivable,

There are also deeds and events which institute long lasting systems
of leeching upon the majority of a magnitude which is truly
impressive to behold (remember the Fed!).

In the grandest of grand schemes we can postulate, hold and or
believe that all is as it is meant to be, that everything works out
karmicly, if not before my eyes now, eventually over time.

But for the human who lives his or her life, I owe it to myself to
act in pursuance of that which I know to be right, just, and true.

To do otherwise is to perpetuate or in the very least, acquiesce to
evil, which serves to further "negative" experiences.

  I have a conscience, which is with me, it is a part of my
  day to day awareness and experience as a human being.

  By my conscience, I know good from evil.

  I am with a will, and, at least within the boundaries of my
  capacity/ ability, I am able to make choices, to choose one
  action over another, to speak one sentence rather than another.

  I choose to do good, not evil.

  And I stand, where I am able, in support of others who do good
  things in this world, and not evil things.

Together we create our world,

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