Victoria Australia: amendments re children's photos of themselves which could be considered "pornography"

Zenaan Harkness zen at
Tue Jul 9 01:32:38 PDT 2019

On Tue, Jul 09, 2019 at 04:13:53AM -0300, Punk wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Jul 2019 16:21:06 +1000
> Zenaan Harkness <zen at> wrote:
> > Blackmail 1-0-1 :
> > 
> >   Before SHTF, Let's Revisit Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book
> >
> 	lawl - worthless feminazi scum and their witchhunts 
> 	isn't there any real 'news' instead of that feminazi garbage zenaan? What the fuck is zerohedge, exactly? 

The issue is there's a society-wide successful propaganda effort
which supports the regime of blackmail of wealthy and powerful

  “And as a single leaf turns not yellow but with the silent
  knowledge of the whole tree , so the wrong doer cannot do wrong
  without the hidden consent of you all.”
  - The Lebanese philosopher Kahlil Gibran

So the CIA/NSA/Google/FaceBook/GCHQ/MI6 blackmail machine "keeps
wealthy and powerful people in line" - in line with the banking
enslavement regime dominating most of humanity today.

Without handling this blackmail machine, we humans shall continue in

Your position Juan is necessary for freedom, the result we must reach
to stop the endless blackmail, the endless stupidity - and the regime
of blackmail continues due to "the hidden consent" of most...

As a practical way forward, educating folks that there is in fact
such a blackmail regime in place, and how the mechanics of this
blackmail work, is a necessary step - without awareness of/
acknowledging the facts, how can the population at large discuss, let
alone solve, this blackmail problem?

The article above highlights, for those who may never have thought of
the issue before, the mechanics of "pedophile blackmail".

Next comes possible solutions to the problem - such as
decriminalization of everything which ought be decriminalized, at the
very least.

The tools used by the blackmail machine won't be removed except that
there is some level of public support for the removal of those tools
of blackmail.

How do we create a sane world?

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