New article by me: Oxford Union censorship

juan juan.g71 at
Sun Jun 3 20:44:34 PDT 2018

	here's some more, kind-of interesting stuff from marsh

	her insistence on 'individual rights' would make her a typical 'libertarian', which is  funny given the fact that she's a run of the mill feminazi. Then again fake libertarians are a dime a dozen...and feminazi 'libertarian' is one the New And Improved flavors of fake libertarian.

	also marsh complaining about the CIA isn't too convincing since feminazi agents are agents of the US government and its pets (like canada), and have been engaged in full time PSYOPS and propaganda warfare against the public for the last few years...

	yet another 'interesting' fact is her attending something called 'cubaconf' - you'd expect a 'human rights' 'activist' and 'individual rights' 'activist' to not get along with the cuban government - or any other gov't of course, but banana republic commies tend to be worse than average. 

	I was wondering if she had somethign to say about the tor mafia and appelbaum . Found nothign on appelbaum but this instead :




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