Wikileaks says Wednesday is the End for Hillary.

Steve Kinney admin at
Mon Oct 3 13:40:25 PDT 2016

Hash: SHA1

On 10/03/2016 02:47 PM, xorcist at wrote:
>> It's a counterpoint to all the technocratic libertarian bullshit
>> that appears here. as if that republican crap somehow 'punk'.
>> This society is sick and perverse and needs to be put out of it's
>> misery like a rat dog that just bit some gentrified whore's kid.
> While I do understand the frustration and anger to our current
> society and situation, I would encourage you to think a bit about
> what society would actually turn into upon its collapse. Invariably
> that comes at huge price, generally involving bloodshed, and
> resource shortages, and when things get really fucked, regional
> warlords, rape, pillaging, etc. Societal collapse is never a good
> thing for the people that have live through it. The USSR handled
> the transition about as well as can be expected, and organized 
> crime took over a great part of their national wealth nearly
> overnight.

Ain't no "if" about that collapse; "when" would be more accurate.  To
condense the behavior and design-mandated outcomes of industrial
civiliation into one sentence:  Unchecked exponential growth inside a
closed container does not end well.  That applies to the global
material economy, which has already exceeded hard limits and /will/
produce mass casualty events.

> As sick as this society is (and I do agree on that), bloodshed is 
> relatively at a minimum, and resources are plentiful. Hell, even
> the homeless can be overweight and have ipods and shit. There are
> egregious acts of systemic violence, naturally - and I won't
> condone a single example of it - but I will note that oppression of
> blacks by police is certainly less today than it was in the 60s.
> And everyone is better off than we would have been under nearly any
> monarch that ever lived.

And the wonderful achievements of Progressive Liberalism only cost us:
 Ongoing wars of economic conquest, enforced poverty and de facto
slavery in the NeoColonies, refugee columns headed north from North
Africa and the Middle East, massive environmental degradation at home
and abroad, and upcoming mass casualty events on a scale never before

Here in the USA we have epidemics of non-communicable diseases (due to
"necessary economies" in industrial food production), a positively
/dangerous/ mass of disaffected former Working Class people looking
for scapegoats and quick fixes, and a wider income and assets gap
between the ruling class and peasants than was present in feudal
societies.  And, oh joy, the U.S. domestic economy is being looted by
military interests while State Security forces are being rolled in to
"contain and control" a projected large scale popular uprising.

But our "homeless people" can have a shiny toy to compensate them for
their lack of basic security and so-called necessities.  Yes, they are
marginally better off than (for instance) the residents of cities
bombed out by U.S. proxy forces to protect and serve the U.S. National
Interest.  So that makes it all OK.  Nobody in Amerika is so bad off
that murdering some kids overseas can't make at least a tiny bit
better off; all boats rise on the tide of blood.

> My point, in as much as I have one, is that on the whole -- while
> human societies are deeply ill, with a long enough view of history
> it seems as if we are ever so slowly healing. I do understand that
> this isn't fast enough for you. I do understand that you deeply
> yearn for a just society. But there just isn't anything that can be
> done to heal instantly. It's not the way healing .. growth .. works
> at any scale.

Slowly healing?  But not fast enough?  I wish I had the kind of income
and assets that make it possible to submerge oneself in that
delusional fantasy world.  Our Middle and Ruing classes voluntarily
participate in rationalizations supported by a propaganda regimen that
assures them things are getting better, and all the Bad Things that do
happen are absolutely someone else's fault.  That propaganda is paid
for, along with everything else supporting Middle and Ruling Class
lifestyles, by the ongoing war of global economic conquest that keeps
the engines of Western Civilization running at full throttle.  That
engine is fueled by the blood of innocents.

Today's "comfortable" lifestyles are capitalized by borrowing against
a future that will not happen, and every passing year of business as
usual makes the upcoming crash worse.  We are not in hock to human
creditors who can be bribed or bullied to forgive the debt; we are up
against cold equations imposed by the laws of physics.

> But try to keep in mind, when you yearn for its collapse, you might
> well be wishing for your sister, mother, or other innocents to be
> raped, or killed. You might well be wishing for a situation where
> kids need to whore themselves to help scrape up some food for their
> families. And YES that happens now. But we need not wish more of it
> on ourselves.

Blame the victims, and anyone who disagrees with you about how fucking
wonderful Industrial Age civilization is.  That's the Party line.
Meanwhile, the "mature, responsible citizens" who parrot that
propaganda line do not WISH for their relatives to be raped and
killed:  They support the rape and murder of whole cities, which pays
for their comfortable, upwardly mobile lifestyle.  They also pointedly
ignore the fact that their own families WILL face that kind of
deprivation and violence as an unavoidable natural consequence of
living in a purely self-serving fantasy world.

> Just a thought. And honestly, some days I think "fuck it all" too
> so, I get it, I really do. But I try to keep the other stuff in
> mind too. YMMV.

The thing we call civilization now faces an existential crisis, but as
long as it serves their self interest our Middle and Ruling Classes
will welcome any opportunity to indulge in pathological denial.
Intelligence only means one has better tools to defend
rationalizations; education is a synonym for indoctrination; "success"
motivates reactionary Fascist conservatism regardless of any Liberal
or Progressive mask it may wear.

Sorry, I know this extended rant of mine will annoy a few people,
amuse a few others, but change not one fucking thing in the real
world.  Sometimes one must vent.


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