Inspirational - Senator Culleton's Passionate Maiden Senate Speech gets Standing Ovation - YouTube

John Newman jnn at
Mon Oct 17 05:18:26 PDT 2016

> On Oct 16, 2016, at 3:13 PM, juan <juan.g71 at> wrote:
>> I've never seen you make any interesting technical points,
> 	So now you changed from "technical points" to "interesting
> 	technical points" 
> 	You don't need to further embarras yourself, but you are likely
> 	to….

Playing simple word games, Juan?  That seems about your speed.
My point remains the same, and un-refuted. 

>> or anything else. When it comes to tor you're like a fucking broken
>> IRC bot, spouting the SAME SHIT WE ALL KNOW, 
> 	Oh really.


> 	Nobody seems to know what I'm saying. If they did, they would
> 	act otherwise. Oh wait, they are complicit? 

Everyone knows. Everyone with half a fucking brain. If they don’t,
it’s only because you’ve obscured the real issues with tor with your
over the top TORBOT TORBOT TORBOT responses any time the
word is mentioned.

>> I've seen your posts, they are not technical in nature. 
> 	Hey stupid piece of shit, this list is about crpyo ANARCHY.

Right, but I’m talking about your hatred for the CRYPTO list, you ass.

>> You
>> don't have to be such a defensive ass about it, but hey, you think
>> climate change is a hoax too, so I'd say you are basically a fucking
>> lost cause at this point.
> 	I say you are an ignorant nerd who thinks that any sort of
> 	pseudo technical bullshit is Holy Science. You are just a
> 	recycled christian. 

You like to use the word nerd to describe anyone interested in technical
matters?  I’ll give you a clue: it was a bunch of ‘nerds’ who wrote the OS
and designed the silicon for that computer you are punching your inane
fucking nonsense into.  The internet wouldn’t exist without these ‘nerds’.
I could go on and on, but surely even you get the point...

>> With people like yourself, it isn't hard to imagine why the list is
>> moderated. 
> 	You are piece of shit John =) - What does a pro-censorship
> 	piece of shit like you do in an allegedly crypto ANARCHSIT
> 	mailing list John.
>> There are different lists for different purposes. You
>> don't get to dictate how the individual admins configure their
>> software. 
> 	Pro censorship peie of shit, parroting pro-censorship
> 	propaganda in 'cryto' 'anarchsit' circles. 
> 	You are a…hoax.

I never said anything pro-censorship. 

THEIR SOFTWARE.  It’s not UP TO YOU, jackass.  I’ve never endorsed 
moderation for this list.  

And parroting the lines others have just thrown at you gets you no points 
(“You are a… hoax”)

>>>> but apparently its not a two way
>>>> street. You don’t actively support the fucking torrent of Russian
>>>> bullshit, but you mostly don’t say shit about it either.
>>>   I already said what I think about russia. I'll add that
>>>   regarding the current warmongering provocations against russia,
>>>   made by american psychos, I'd 'side' with russia...and
>>>   trump.  Assuming putin and trump actually are slightly less
>>>   warmongering than the sick cunt hitlery and the 'progressive'
>>>   fascists from the 'democratic' party. 
>> You're a gullible clown if you actually believe that.
> 	If I believe that MAYBE there's a slightly less warlike faction
> 	that it's not going to win? 
> 	Sonny, you can't teachn any 'technical' tricks, let alone
> 	political ones. 
>>>   Or perhaps it's a show fully agreed upon by both sides. 
>> Warmer, I suspect....
> 	Oh thank you very much for Teaching Me About Stuff.


>>>   At any rate, your reaction to russian propaganda doesn't speak
>>>   too well of you, just like it doesn't speak too well of Google
>>>   Inc. representatives. 
>> And your reaction speaks volumes about you. First you replied by
>> immediately throwing your comrades under the bus,
> 	Except they are not my comrades.

The list archives would seem to say otherwise.

>> now you seem to
>> want back in the circle jerk?
> 	What about you don't having a clue, and either not
> 	understanding my position or just lying about it.
> 	Bottom line you are way more pro amerikka thatn I'm pro russia.
> 	Hardly surprising sice you are an americunt.

You argue like a child. I’m “more pro-america” than you are “pro-russia”…
which is utter fucking bullshit, and I think you know it.  Show one time I’ve
ever endorsed america.  Actually, don’t bother - you couldn’t do it anyway,
but I have no interest in reading any more of you bullshit.

>> This entire thread is such a fucking waste of time.
> 	So go fuck yourself. I'm sure you can write a three line bash
> 	script to hack the NSA. Go for it.

Same to you Juan :)  

Is there ANYONE on this list that you haven’t gotten into a massive flame 
war with?  Anyone besides your Russian Alex-Jones-loving “global warming 
is a hoax" comrades, I mean….  You have to ask yourself, when its you against 
EVERYONE, is the problem really with EVERYONE else, or is the problem, 
perhaps, with YOU ?

I’m done talking to you.  Respond if you want, but I’m not wasting any more 
time on your fucking nonsense.


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