Janet Reno on IP, piracy and terrorism

petro petro at bounty.org
Mon Jan 8 23:09:50 PST 2001

>>  >    Bet on it? We don't have to do that -- look who he picked.
>>  Asscroft,
>>  > the boob who got beat by a dead man. Check out his
>>  ultra-fascist voting
>>  > record. Gag. Barf.
>>  Yes, but I bet he will burn very few children to death in a
>>  church during his first year.
>     No, instead he'll probably burn pot smokers at the stake by the

	The main difference being that the Church Goers *think* that 
what they are doing is legal, while the pot smokers (for the most 
part) know that what they are doing is either illegal, or legally 

	No, smoking pot *shouldn't* be illegal, but it is. If you get 
caught buying, selling, or smoking, it's you're own damn fault.

	I am not aware of any law against joining or attending a church.

	<I have no argument with the rest>
A quote from Petro's Archives:
"As someone who has worked both in private industry and in academia,
whenever I hear about academics wanting to teach ethics to people in
business, I want to puke."--Thomas Sowell.

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