The Key Vanishes: Scientist Outlines Unbreakable Code

Tom tom at
Wed Feb 21 03:44:45 PST 2001

Jim Choate wrote:
> > First, your orbital
> > random number server can only be put there by someone with
> > enough bucks to launch a rocket -- whom you have to trust
> > implicitly. None of the twenty or thirty people whom I
> > trust implicitly has that much money.  Heck, I don't even
> > think I personally *know* anyone who has that much money.
> Look into experimental rocketry and 'can satellites' (there's a link on /.
> about the later). The cost to put a bird in space is probably around
> $100k right now.

but what is the cost for EVE (hm, three letters - how fitting) to shoot
it down?

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